Hello, I’m new. Do you think there is some form of supernatural life? I experienced supernatural fenomenons before medication and now with medication, too. I don’t know if they are all hallucinations or what.
Nobody knows but everyone has an opinion
However if you’re experiencing strong supernatural phenomena then it’s sure to be caused by your schizophrenia and not real.
Your mind is playing tricks on you basically.
Sometimes, when I played the piano, I thought it was out of my control and that my skill was supernatural.
There probably exist other forms of intelligent life beyond our comprehension. Which reassures me. It would be sad if such wicked and obtuse creatures like us humans were the pinnacle of evolution. I want to believe nature can do better.
Yeah if seen shadow people
I saw Jesus floating when I was unmedicated and when I was in mental hospital.
I saw ravens eating me alive.
Also once I dreamed that I was chased by a bear and he ate my head alive.
I don’t have these now because I decided that it was better for me to take my meds.
I do suspect that my voices are demons due to all the torture rape talk
I used to believe in the Bible but I fell short of God’s glory and started experimenting with gnosticism, reincarnation and all this. Then I had my first psychotic episode and refused to believe in anything other than materialism. I am in no way implying that leaving Christianity has caused my SZ because I felt the negative symptoms before leaving the religion. But I have my doubts about whether demons might be real and possessing me.
Yeah if seen shadow people
Yeah, me too have seen Smurfs performing Molka in public places.
Okay okay…i see
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