Sudden and Autistic Savants

Where do you think they get their skills?
There are autistic savants that have absolutely amazing skills. mathematical, artistic etc. but are on the autistic spectrum or they are developmentally disabled. There are also some sudden savants who are normal intellectually but had some sort of accident and then suddenly had some astounding musical, mathematical or artistic genius.

Do we all possess these amazing talents in our brains and are just unable to access them as some scientists think or do these savants have access to a collective conscious where all these skills are available as Dr Darold Treffert (savant expert) believes. I tend to believe in the collective conscious theory. It’s there but we don’t know how to access it.

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See? They get it for free, no deals no nothing.

Intention is quite important to some i’d say.

Picture this, any informational implant can be placed in your brain, of course your body must go through the motions but that can be hightened as well when it comes to duration. languages, math, music, art, abilities, sights of various sorts.

I love the savant, they just get it.

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