I had this delusion a while back. I thought that some musical artists were part of a mass conspiracy to try and blatantly expose the lie to all the people about the human telepathic abilities, mind reading and just general psychic ability.
I used to see all of the hidden messages in certain songs, and it really triggered me in a very bad way.
IDK. "Revolution #9 on the Beatles White Album used to scare me. Whenever I played the record I would always lift the needle and skip it. It seems obvious now, but I didn’t know back then that it was influenced by Yoko Ono.
For the past two or three years, I think that a lot of musicians, are communicating with me and few other people about the apocalypse. Very occasionally I think that others are getting the same message.
You had mentioned you wanted your SZ diagnosis revisited after getting the autism DX. I’d say don’t bother asking, this is classic SZ delusional thinking.
I keep hearing that, yet I’ve not met one yet who has. Thinking it’s got to be pretty rare. I know a crap tonne of Aspies by virtue of having worked in I.T. and still having a huge professional network there, not one of them qualifies for that. Maybe it’s a feature of lower functioning autism?
This must be the case. I am only level one, so I guess with this new levelling system they’re using perhaps if you were a level 3 you must have chronic psychosis?
This is all kinda new to me. I just lost my temper with my case manager for trying to play down the significance of an Autism Level One diagnosis, when since I have been told this I have been thinking back to how many times in the last 32 years knowing that would have helped.
Yeah that sounds like me hmu if u think u beat it I also think I’m God idk it just feels good writing this post I’m glad I found you guys I’m really lonely and I just hope that some how some way I’m able to beat this how can i over come my illness