Study shows 'alarming' long-term declines in schizophrenia functioning

Functioning scores decreased among individuals who received inpatient treatment for psychosis 20 years after discharge, particularly among those with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

Worsening began between year 5 and 8, according to researchers.

we are doomed for good I think :flushed:

I am at year 6-7 of schizophrenia after diagnosis. It got better 3rd year, got a lot worse 4th and now it has been only going backwards.


Yeah I am in the 5-8 year period. My functioning has significantly reduced in the last 2 years even though arguably my symptoms have been stable over this period.


If what I have is schizoaffective I have entered a really bad period after year 7. But still at least I’m


I just entered year 5. Kind of dramatic and whimsical that this shows up today. :exploding_head:


I think I’m year 7-8 and doing well, but still have breakthrough symptoms mainly voices.

No thought disorder and my memory is gradually improving.


If this was done on an in patient population of course outcomes were negative. People who are high functioning and out in the world tend to do better.


It says 20 years after discharge.


Still there are a large subset who never end up in the hospital.

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@Anon10 I was never in a hospital,
I am “out in the world” so to speak but doing very poorly.
In practice my parents do everything for me.
And I have also deteriorated over time.

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How many years in are you?

@Anon10 I have been ill for 4 years.

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I’ve been ill for two years, maybe four counting the prodrome. It has seemingly gotten better over time, especially with med changes…

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@Anon10 it’s two.
Counting the prodrome I was ill since early childhood.
I am happy that you improved btw.

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I had my first episode at age 8 and a full recovery afterwards. So maybe we are both childhood onset schizophrenics.

@Anon10 childhood onset is full blown schizophrenia at childhood.
For me I am closer to canonical schizophrenia, onset in late teens to early twenties(20 in my case)
but prodrome since early childhood.

I think probably if you had childhood onset schizophrenia you wouldn’t be able
to graduate from high school, unless it’s a very mild case.
I think that most people who get childhood onset schizophrenia are probably in special education.



Do these results happen 5-8 years after discharge or 5-8 years after the illness begins?

Erez, i was also very unhappy child without positive stable emotions. I consider myself ill since childhood but i was able to graduate school with really good results… but whatever, once a voyante saw a photo of me without seeing me and said to my mom that i am ill… i am not a mild case i think…

Are you trying to cheer me up? Because it’s not working.


I was discharged about 20 years ago. I was pretty young when the disease manifested itself. The hallucinations are much better but I’ve had some weird mood and insomnia stuff lately. I mean weird for me. I have schizoaffective but usually the bipolar stuff isn’t that bad.

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