STUDY: Romantic relationships in people with psychotic disorders

Hi everyone!

I am a PhD student in Psychology with an interest in the romantic relationships of people with a psychotic disorder. I am hoping to increase awareness about this important topic through my research. If this is something you might be interested in, please let me know by email ( or click the following link to access the questionnaire :

All participants will also be entered in a draw to win an iPad at the end of the study.

Thanks to all who choose to participate and Happy New Year :slightly_smiling_face:

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Completed it, good luck with your studies! Very happy to see you are doing it!


Hi Malik,

Thank you so much for your help and for your encouragements :slight_smile:

Take care!

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Is it possible to take this survey on a smartphone? I try and it won’t let me.

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Hi SkinnyMe,

Normally it should be possible, but it might depend on your phone’s set-up. Do you have access to another device? Computers are often easier.

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