Strange coincidence, belief of being false prophet

I have made previous post like this before but I just find it so weird that strange coincidences like this happen. For example, I’ve been thinking for a while I may be a false prophet and something demonic may be going on. Last night and today I’ve thought a lot about it and even spoke to my parents last night about my theory. Has been on my mind a lot today. The strangest thing just happened, I opened a book on an old book case of my now deceased grandfather, it was a religious book but it was quoting the exact text in the Bible about false prophets. How can that be that coincidental, 6 months ago that would have triggered me, now it doesn’t me as much, but I still find things like that very coincidental and strange. Any thoughts? I try to believe it’s just the illness but I still have those what if’s

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I experienced quite many coincidences which are similar to yours. I have ideas that I will be very influential religious teacher who change the world much. Do you have diagnosis of schizophrenia?

They told me I was a schizophrenicform or something like that, meaning I was either sza or sz. My symptoms are getting better though, I try not to feed Into the delusions

Sounds like yours are more about making a positive impact, mine tend to be more negative

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How long does your symptoms last? I have coincidences since 58 months. I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder quite regularly, for short time in 2016 I had diagnosis of unspecified or paranoid schizophrenia.

I remember that when I read Book of Revelation first time I might have thoughts that I will be the Antichrist or the false prophet described in it.

I used to get them too and I still do. It honestly is just weird coincidental things imho
When I get them now I just think back to psychosis rather than omg wat if.

How long have u been on ap? With time hopefully it will become less of a wat if thought, although I do still get those thoughts too wen I get psychotic which has only been after a while off meds.

I remember reading the bible, bad idea, i started thinking the bible was prophecising me lol. Its a delusion for sure, i didnt snap out of it until a few months of meds.

The thoughts will pass eventually, especially after you accept that you have schizophrenia. Im still accepting my illness.

What ap are you taking?

Mine all always there just about, but they tend to be pretty minor, I’ve had them for about a year and a half now. Mine weren’t really that I was the antichrist, but that I was a false prophet, that’s always been mine, and stuff similar to that, I had one episode where I thought a certain rapper was the Antichrist, and Jesus was about to come back, and the world is about to end.

I never took any medication, I wonder if it was the right choice. My symptoms are not as bad as they once were though, they’re still present though

I thought about trying abilify, sounds like one of the better of the ap’s, but I thought it may be better to try and get by totally medicine free, what do u think from your experience?

Medicine free if i could, the abilify side effects or any ap side effect is pretty huge. Once youre on them, you wont be able to go back without alot of work. And you might not be fully the same.

It is just a coincidence!

they will probably put you on a lose dose first if its your first psychotic episode so the side effects wont be too severe

I’m gonna try and stay off of them if I can. My symptoms have gotten somewhat better anyways

You gotta be carefull going off medication because very few schizophrenics dont have symptoms without medication. Safer to try lower doses first.

Happens to me all the time man with the bible it’s just bad spirits

A false prophet is one who preaches against the gospel of JC

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