Stopped taking antipsychotics for treatment helped

hello so i was prescribed 80mg of geodon and i was really disturbed hearing voices, depressed. making me wanna move around every 5minutes, my head was getting full filled of information so i had to walk or do something else. i stopped cold turkey geodon 4 days ago and now i am not hearing voice i feel like i have been back to normal, my speech is way better, it is organizedq. and the voices dont really annoy me anymore because it is just once in a while now… weird … i am cured? dont need meds? i feel better without antipsychotics , having to change the structrure of your dopamine and sertraline receptors are not a good idea, i think my brain has been back to normal !, last year i had taken risperadal, zyprexaa, abilify and geodon. quit it cold turkey 5 days ago and i feel like i was the kid i was before the overddose . why not taking the meds makes me feel more like a human and not a zombie?

The meds don’t just shut down the voices, they also suppress other parts of your mind because they don’t target illness as accurately as we need them to. I’ve found that – with effort (a LOT of effort) – you can bring back the healthier parts of your mind the drugs suppress through positive thinking and regular exercise (even daily walks help).

I find the same thing you do – I’m a whole new man several days after quitting my meds. Problem is, usually within a month or two I’m as sick and delusional as I was before, if not more so, without my meds. Even worse, I tend to let myself get so bad I no longer recognize how ill I’ve become.

I don’t recommend to anyone with SZ that they mess with their meds unless this is done under the supervision of a treatment team.



I recently came off meds, and not for the first time. If you decide to go back on meds, maybe try something different. For me, I’m waiting a few months to get a clear idea of what being off meds this time is like. I do feel like the sword of Damocles is over me. Keep some meds handy and in date in case you end up needing them as insurance. Don’t be fooled by the initial honeymoon period of coming off meds that some people experience.