I’m longing for the social clarity I had off of antipsychotics. I could function so much quicker when I wasn’t on them. It was easier for me to go with the flow. I felt lighter.
I went off my meds once before in 2015. Things were great for a while. I could bs with my friends and didn’t feel bogged down. I could really feel what I was saying. Didn’t feel like I was just going through the motions. Was like night and day. After about 5 months I had a depressive episode and got paranoia. I’m sza. Went back on my meds and have been dutiful in taking them.
I know things would probably end up the same, but I really miss feeling with it in that way
Yeah when i was younger i used to quit meds and feel amazing for a while. My doctor said people get addicted to that feeling. But now whenni quit i just feel like ■■■■ mentally and physcially. Something changed.
I haven’t got off meds but abused one of my prescriptions because I thought it was ‘‘safe’’ to get high with it long story short it made me return to the forum.
I swapped from Abilify to Caplyta, and have less lethargy, but I still feel sluggish. Are there AP’s out there that don’t come with these side effects?
I dont actively try to stop meds but i used to be forgetful of taking them. My dad fou d out and sat me down to talk about it. Saying due to meds im able to do all the things i do. Like have my own place, keep friends, start a relationship, etc. So i set alarms on my phone and havent forgotten them.
Still get breakthrough symptoms but are manageable.
Do you feel that way on abilify too? You can try swapping to ulotaront trial since you are located in the USA, it supposedly improves cognitive symptoms
I mentioned it to him a few months ago during our last appointment. He said the risk for mania out weighs the potential benefits. He seems to think my condition is heavily mood based. I’m not totally sold on that, coz my mania feels more like hypomania, very subdued.
The main thing is that I have been going through substance withdrawal, and that has been affecting me psychologically. Hopefully, after I power through, we can re-address it.