I’ve been asking for help and concerned about the possibility of schizophrenia or psychosis. Previously I was fine except for occasionally feeling stressed. For several months now I haven’t been feeling myself. When I lay down or fall asleep I hear sounds or voices. Sometimes when I wake up I briefly hear the same thing. My dreams can be really vivid and disrupts my sleep. This doesn’t happen during the day. I have anxiety and a low mood at times though. I keep busy, but still don’t feel myself. I’ve had mental health assessments, been to the ER ,etc. I just keep getting referred to someone else. Just wish I could get an answer to this.
When was the last time you spoke to a psychiatrist ?
Last week I signed into a psychatric center and had a mental health assessment. Their psychiatrist released me and gave me some information on other places to contact. I asked about depression and they said possibly.
Ok. You should get in contact with the other places. You need to speak to a psychiatrist if you’re hearing voices.
Even if it’s just falling asleep? I don’t hear anything throughout the day.
I’m not sure. It’s really for a psychiatrist to decide if that’s a bad sign or nothing to worry about. You’ve got nothing to lose by talking to a psychiatrist. It could put your mind at rest.
It could be sleep paralysis if you are only hearing them falling asleep or on waking.
It only happens then. I should get checked for that.
It could be the start of schizophrenia, shortly before my diagnosis I was hearing voices during sleep and then voices started to appear right before and after sleep until they started appearing all day. I think your psychiatrist is right, you need to get to the phase of hearing voices during the day to qualify for schizophrenia/psychosis.
Also avoid alcohol, weed and any other drug as they worsened my voices.
I’m almost 40 and never had any previous mental health issues. Can it start that late in life? I never did any drugs or alcohol. I just feel stressed a lot and that’s when it started.
Stress worsens sz and psychosis, some here got diagnosed at 40 y.o. I suggest you wait if your psy said so. I would see a pdr when you hear voices during the day. Your pdr needs to be sure before prescribing meds bcz starting meds and stopping them can cause sz/psychosis by itself. Also meds have many unwanted and bad side effects. Their benefits overweight their side effects only if you really have psychosis or sz.
I guess my main issue is feeling nervous a lot and sometimes a low mood. Other than that I dont have many other symptoms. I’ll just have to wait and see if things ease up or get worse.
I was exactly the same way. I do take a sleep aid and I have an AP that helps. I take a mood stabilizer in the late morning which helps with the stress and hallucinations, but sometimes my brain crashes by the time I take my night meds.
Try to stay in reality and breath. Obviously the psychiatrist didn’t gave you antipsychotics. Maybe don’t watch the exorcist again.
It could be hypnagogic hallucinations.
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