Stigma at voluntary work!

I am doing voluntary work at a social place for 2-3 days a week, its quite ok i can say. Some people there began to talk about crazy things, they use the words crazy describing things and other persons. I did not say to anyone i have schizophrenia only at interview to one person and i think they are dropping hints about me and they laugh of me in a subtle manner. They are normies and dont understand some sz cant focus well, disorganized speech, i for example am getting tired quickly, because im already sedated by my AP and so on. I dont know how to overcome this stigma it just affects me. What should i do?

Find somewhere to work that you can enjoy and where you are treated with respect

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Thank you but i barely manage to do voluntary work for 2 hours twice a week for now.

I understand I’m the same
I can only handle an hour or two twice a week
I have two volunteer admin jobs and most of the people are nice
I really want to work paid

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If they don’t know about your diagnosis, it’s unlikely they’re trying to ridicule you.
People use the word crazy in all sorts of contexts, I wouldn’t worry about it. Try not to let the paranoia get to you.


Thank you @Pikasaur I did not mention paranoia but you might have guessed well idk…

Find another volunteer job and next time dont tell anyone anything. I tell people nothing about my mental illness at the place I used to volunteer and any job I’ve had.

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I agree with Nova that it is probably paranoia talking. If you haven’t mentioned your illness to anyone, it’s unlikely you are being targeted with negativity. I know how you feel though, my paranoia was ghastly at my last job.

It’s best to keep your diagnosis to yourself in the workplace. I’ve only had negative experiences when I disclosed. I hope things get better for you!

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