State mental hospital

Has anybody been to their state mental hospital? I just read that there is 60 assaults a month and murders. ■■■■ freaks me out. On top of that I’ve been reading about stuff done to mentally ill people. I’m completely creeped out.

I’ve been to the state hospital before there were definitely fights

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When I was in the state hospital fights broke out very often.

I must have been lucky because no one fought where I was. It had a prison atmosphere.

I went to a private behavioral health hospital.

TW: violence A very short fight actually broke out because of an autistic dude trying to slap me (it was his way of saying he liked me) during smoke break. This older guy who was real sweet to me tackled the dude into the wall and punched him.

Same hospital last year, I had a roommate who flipped a table at lunch because she wasn’t allowed seconds without clearance from the doctor for a higher calorie diet and had violent fits regularly. They moved me out of the room ASAP because of my PTSD tendencies.

I can’t imagine the state hospital (Arkansas).

I’ve never been to mine, thank God! I’ve heard horror stories about it.

My first hospitalization was at the VA, and that was pretty scary. I just minded my own business, and drew pictures until the docs said I could go home.

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Well, we have a hospital for the criminally insane not too far away. I’ve heard that a lot of fights happen there though I’ve never been there. I got threatened by a nurse that I would be put either there or a similar hospital if I didn’t stop doing whatever i was doing wrong.

That was not unusual, I saw others threatened to be sent there if they didn’t stop misbehaving. I’ve only known two people personally who ended up there. My friends sister became schizophrenic and she was driving and got pulled over by the police and she deliberately ran over a cops leg. I heard she would spend 3 or 4 years there. That was in the eighties. I worked with a guy in my old company about 8 years ago who was deaf. He seemed like he had been around the block a few times. My current boss was the boss over both of us back then and he just told me about 4 months ago that the deaf guy had been sent to the state hospital for raping two guys.

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I did my clinical there for nursing school. Man…it was wild…like a prison basically. Everything just grey cinderblock…no windows… Granted I went on weekends when there were no activities…staff was overworked and underpaid…techs would just scream at the patients and threaten them…nurses hid in the nurses station…tons of patients on each unit and almost all had criminal histories. There were supposed to be units dedicated to just people with criminal backgrounds and then units for people who didn’t have criminal backgrounds but there were so many people w criminal backgrounds that they were just on every unit…and they had like serious violent histories not just like trespassing.

That said, pretty much all the patients I talked to there were very pleasant with me and eager to talk. I did not witness any takedowns or major crises.

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Hey. I live in Little Rock. You mentioned the Arkansas State Hospital.

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The time I was hospitalized the mental hospital was a peaceful place.

I’ve been several times to the government mental hospitals in Cape Town and they are ok not too bad.

In the locked ward there were a few patients who fought or lost their temper but there was always a nurse and female security guard on duty. And we had to wear a hospital uniform not our own clothes. Felt like a prison but they did look after us ok.

I was in state hospitals in other states, that didn’t have problems like that. It would probably be worse, in my home state.

I’ve Been to Facilities So Many Times I Can’t Recall Everything.

The One Time That Really Hit Me Was When Me & a Dude Was Playing Chess And Thus Older Guy in a Wheelchair Rolled Up And Tightly Grasped My Wrist as I Was About to Move a Chess Piece.

The Guy I Was Playing Chess With Started Laughing And Leaned Back in His Chair.

I Got Out of The Old Guy’s Grip And One of The Security Guards Walked Up to The Guy in The Wheelchair.

Everyone in The Room, Patients & Nurses Stopped What They Were Doing, as The Guy in The Wheelchair Started Threatening The Guard. As He Was Trying to Climb Out of The Wheelchair The Guard Jus Placed His Hand on The Old Guy’s Forehead.

It Ended After Some Long Odd Minutes And They Took Him Away.

Jus One of Those Moments I Guess.

I have. It was pretty safe all the times I went but one. There was one incident I do remember happening. A drug addict boy that was from my town was there and he fought with the nurses because he wanted them to give him Ativan. After punching walls, harassing the staff, the nurse gave up and they gave him a big shot of Ativan. He was out for a week. When he woke up he tried the same thing but this time they brought the guards in and strapped him and took him to the secure room. He then, days later, started going into withdrawals and all hell broke loose. Let’s just say everyone suffered on that floor. The horrible screams made everyone anxious and it made the doctor up everyone’s anxiety medication. :roll_eyes::woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:
And the wheel keeps on turning.
Also! We have a huuuuge drug problem in our town. His family talked him into not coming back to our little town, and stay with family in Georgia.

I have never been to a residential psych ward, just to the c-pep unit attached to the ER. No fights happened there for me. Just a lot of people trying to sleep.

I’ve been in two different state hospitals in Michigan. They weren’t threatening but my own paranoia wanted me out of there as soon as possible.

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