I got a job with local mental care for a while doing annual reviews for the committed ones in nursing homes (is privatized in my state and state hospitals closed to save $$$). While working these, pdoctor explained how to get yourself locked up. Anyone confrontational with pdoctor or even too constructive about criticism will be called in for ‘arrested’ in front of their neighbors to be admitted to mental hospital on psych hold at their own expense. These are ‘attitude adjustment’ weekends. If you are current with your mental care, just call the pdoc and he/she will get you out within a couple days.
Can get longer stays by losing your cool in court, pissing off attorney or being considered nuisance by cops. Local psych out intervention officer scares off a lot of new ones who are having stuff stolen from locked up houses probably due to copying keys at local hardware store without watching the employee. If cops are called for theft or lots of broken property, cop tries to figure out where your income is coming from and if SSDI, he will tell you that you are very ill and need to be hospitalized. These psych evaluations last months sometimes for a normal acting one who usually loses job and housing, thus moving them from neighborhood. Watched over dozen families fall prey to this when they just moved here, and the cop scared them out within a couple weeks and told they could not sell the house due to old work permits never obtained by previous resident…No attorney will get involved and not media is interested.
You should NEVER call cops unless you had enough stuff stolen to need a police report for theft because you hit your renter’s insurance deductible and insurance company wants police report. I highly recommend you tell the cops you work at Walmart or factor in next town if questioned about your income.
Otherwise, met Mrs. shrink who was locked up for calling her husband a crook, had parental rights challenged and could be a nut or a mom. Shrink is Muslim so can be a bit harsh to women anyway IMHO. WATCH FOR THIS SCAM! My in-laws who work in mental care did not care to help me at all but they saved multiple friends as they knew what goes wrong living here…I don’t go near the family pdocs any longer after finding out some really sleazy, unsettling stuff
and I don’t want any part of it.
Lady locked up 8 times as her husband is guardian and wants her disability check so won’t let her divorce him, when she did not come home from overnight dates cheating he would have her arrested. County clinic just gave her back to husband…This one acts totally normal btw, probably not even hearing it much. WATCH FOR THIS SCAM!
Lady who answered job ad for country job and found out this job ruined multiple people. Went shopping in poor town, new voices started, someone ruined all her belongings at home, she got called crazy, put on disability, drug dealer latched on and cops would lock her up in mental hospital to shut her up if arguing. WATCH FOR THIS SCAM!
Answer door to cops with machete will get you in trouble.
Kid of wealthies who were moving their business to town started psychosis. Parents did not like how kid was behaving as gang stalking and DRAMA makers are normal for that city. Parents turned out to have no clue about the local climate so business rival decided to screw these wealthies to get their business. Pdoc agreed to keep the kid until he turned 18 so he could just stay out of it. Local girl latched onto him so he will know local goings on. This kind of story really explains why you need local business guidance and connections before you move a business as this big a business deal riding on this one executive will probably ruin him, cannot hope for NORMAL any longer I’m afraid. Need to already figure out ‘politics’ and your nose is BROWN all the way down to city hall & likely customers before you even try this. I mean, even moving alone & female has made prostitutes lately as normal enough guy latches on, then insists you swing…some get the woman fired to pressure her further.
Hated seeing black lady about 2 weeks from delivery of her baby sitting up all night for a week at the state mental hospital, then learn she will probably have to deliver unassisted after being up for couple weeks. Hated wondering if this was considered ‘drug test’.