Starting Cobenfy

I started my first dose of Cobenfy last night. I’m also still on 20mg Zyprexa. I’m very hopeful that the new med will reduce the “Trifecta”, which is the 3 voices that i hear. The Trifecta tells me to hurt myself and tells me I’m a fat pig and to quit eating. I titrated off the clozapine over the weekend and haven’t had any more episodes of the tachycardia since first reducing then quitting it.

I’m honestly not expecting miracles from Cobenfy, but I’m hoping for some moderate improvement. Even the preliminary studies show that it’s not a cure. If i can reduce down to just one voice it would be a big improvement. I do think I’ll miss clozapine’s ability to reduce suicidal ideation, as that has been a problem for me in the past.

I’m happy to report that i haven’t had to use any of the Ativan that they gave me when i got out of the hospital. They handed it out like candy in the H and i was afraid that i had become dependent on it again. I had a few panic attacks last week but journaled my way thru them.

Anyway, I’d appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers, and i hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving (for those in the U.S.).


I hope it works out for you.

I hope so, too. I’m a little worried about the potential for hypertension and tachycardia and lack of long term studies, but I’m at the end of my rope…

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Do you have fallback plan if it doesnt work?

I think if it doesn’t work then i will have to go back on a higher dose of clozapine. Plus the Zyprexa. I really don’t like the clozapine, tho, since it gave me QTc prolongation and caused me to pass out at the higher dose. I think if i went on higher dose clozapine again i would lose my driving privileges again, which i REALLY don’t want to happen.


Are you going to be on cobenfy zyprexa combo?

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Yes, that’s the plan for now. I read somewhere that being on an atypical along with Cobenfy might act like clozapine but i don’t know if it’s true or not.


I really hope it helps you. Have you tried to compliment your Zyprexa with a low dose of antipsychotics other than clozapine? I wouldn’t want to take something that causes QT prolongation. But I understand if it’s your only option

I was on Abilify before with the Zyprexa but it didn’t really do anything. It was kind of like throwing Tums at a perforated ulcer. The whole tendency towards QT prolongation now limits which APs I’m able to be put on. They’re very careful now to do regular EKGs.

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I really hope Cobenfy works for you. You must be so frustrated. I would be

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Good luck. I hope it works for you.

Have you noticed any side effects yet with Cobenfy?

Good luck with the cobenfy! And happy thanksgiving.

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I have not noticed any side effects, but it’s only been a couple days so far.


You are so Lucky to take cobenfy !!!

Yes, i am fortunate that my pdoc is giving me free samples from the drug rep until my insurance covers it.


Hello @WhiteRaven , do you eat less with cobenfy ? Have you loss weight ? Have you sides effects with cobenfy ? Thks.

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I’ve only been on it 4 days, and i haven’t noticed any desire to eat less or any other side effects so far other than dry mouth. I haven’t seen a decrease in my voices or negative symptoms, either, but I’m still on the starting dose. It comes in little blister packs that are remarkably hard to open.


Thanks for the update.

Hope it works for you. I’m praying for you.