I wish i was able to take latuda

Theres not to many problems with latuda but the akathisia was so bad. I wish that med worked out for me now that its generic.

My bathroom looks like a hoarders bathroom. I just wanna be a functional member of society again. Praying for more cobenfy reviews that are good.

John hopkins said 2 out of 3 patients showed symptoms improvement but statistically thats not a high enough sample size to tell anything from it.

To clean, read and work and study again would be awesome.

Im on invega and zyprexa and everyday i worry i will get put in a nursing home

I talk on here about some of the physical side effects of Cobenfy like dry mouth, but here’s some of the hopeful things for you: when i got out of the hospital in Nov i was hearing 3 voices, now i only hear 2…the worst voice, the one that made me stop eating and drinking, has gone away. My thoughts of self harm haven’t been present since starting it, and there’s been no episodes of actual harm. I haven’t been having grandiose delusions that my death will bring world peace, either. I don’t know if these positive things are from the Cobenfy or if they’re leftovers from Zyprexa, which i stopped Dec 24, but I’ve been on the Cobenfy 1.5 months which is the same time i left the hospital.

My social functioning is good and i maintain the cleanliness of my apartment. I don’t work but i volunteer at my clubhouse and with NAMI. I don’t feel as hopeless as i did a few months ago, either. My pdoc still wants to add another AP to back up the Cobenfy (i don’t know why), which we’ll address tomorrow. I just have felt more capable and calm since I’ve been on it but those are subjective and could be from many things. I can’t say if it’s really effective yet but it’s not seeming to hurt.

Im glad youre doing better. Mostly i was complaining due to the pressure on me, i never hear voices its just delusions i struggle with.

Keep us up to date on cobenfy, there is a period of time between medicines where i dont need medication. When im off all medication, i am healthy for 6 months til i relapse again. Thsts why i dont wanna get on cobenfy til i hear about reviews.

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