Starting 90 day video game detox with Game Quitters

What a great service and a community for those who want to unplug from gaming addiction. Great website, youtube channel and podcast with real people who experienced gaming addiction. This really eased my anxiety I’m starting my detox journey if anyone wants to join.

All this sounds slightly bloody laughable to me. So what if i play a game for a few hours, and leave the washing up lol. Its not like your putting a needle in your arm.

If all you got is a penchant for playing too much - you really havent got it that bad.


I agree. I’ve never understood why some people end up thinking gaming is an addiction.
Its as much as an addiction as eating chocolate, or listening to music, or showering or buying new clothes. Its pleasurable - so I do it a lot.
If I wanted to give it up entirely would I find it difficult? Yes. But I don’t see why I can’t enjoy myself if it isn’t harmful to me.


Coaching, male-centric self-improvement & the owner doesn’t seem to have any actual education.
Seems to follow the modern day formula of this type of business:
Find a vulnerable population (usually male, white, insecure, outcasts/unempowered), present a solution, anchor said solution in self-improvement, offer the solution with coaching, and then monetize the solution. Bonus points for the community component.
The goal is noble, the practice can however be very predatory & not everyone that buys into it will realize that they might have just bought into a modern day cult-like social-movement.

I also looked through the YouTube-channel & the recent thumbnails/titles on the videos are horrifying. They’ve also posted a video of Joe Rogan. I hate this.


I imagine there is a community on reddit that is doing the exact same thing as this business except without asking for money.


How ‘addicted’ were you? And which games?

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I’m trying to work my way up to playing two hours of Oculus per day. Oh, I only play exercise games.

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I tried to get addicted to gaming but nope just thick layer of dust on the console lol.
My brother used to play world of warcraft about 8+ hours a day. It was annoying cuz we had a family computer so he would always hog it :sweat_smile:Now he goes hiking instead. I used to like playing skateboard games on playstation those were fun :blush:


I think if video games totally consume your life as in not taking care of obligations or neglecting your own self care for the benefit of gaming to get to that next level or boss then I can see the value of this program.

Best wishes OP.



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