Started Zoloft today

Any opinions on Zoloft for anxiety?


I use it for depression, it’s really really helped me. It takes like four or five days to kick in. The first few days it just made me sleepy. I’m on the on 25 mg but it makes all the difference in the world


Tim starting on 50 mg. His only worry is that it might make me manic

I can’t even imagine life without anxiety!!

Yeah if you got the bipolar in you it could. I raise my Abilify before I started Zoloft for that reason. Naltrexone also helps with my bipolar/psychosis/mania so like years ago there’s no way I could’ve done an SSRI. But on the meds I’m on now it really stabilizes me

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Have you had mania before?

I think it made me kinda manic. When I was on it I always felt as though I had smoked some crack

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I’ve had many manic phases. That’s why he is worried. But clonazepam does very little to help and fogs my brain.

Just a tip for you : you have to take it with a meal. If not you are going to have bad heartburns. At least this is my case.

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Zoloft worked wonders for my anxiety, depression and ptsd symptoms. I was on a fairly high dose. Unfortunately it wrecked my bladder. I’ve seen a doctor about it and they said it either triggered an inflammatory condition or messed up the muscles of my pelvic floor so they’re too tight all the time making me feel like I have to pee constantly, which requires weeks of physical therapy to fix. So if you notice you are starting to need to pee more frequently please go off before you get more lasting damage like I did.

That said if I could figure out a way for it to not give me bladder problems I would 100% go back on it.

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Thank you all for the tips. I’ll look out for signs and things changing.

Hey I take a variant of Zoloft and wellbutrin for two years now And I really can’t hold and have to pee like every hour. But my pdoc never warned me about anything like that. :confused:

It is one of the more rare side effects. My nurse practitioner had never heard of it until I brought it up.

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Could it be dangerous? Like, I really need my sertaline in any form…

I don’t think it’s dangerous or anything just really annoying. For me it ended up becoming unbearable bc I couldn’t sleep at night due to the constant strong urge to pee, I’d just be on the toilet for hours. And no sleep means my psychosis acts up…so that’s why I quit. But if you can tolerate it by all means stay on it. I wish I could’ve stayed on.

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Yeah I also wake up at night several times…Pressure is unbearable and makes me nervous. Thank you Anna…at least now it’s not such a mystery.


Thanks for letting me know what to watch for. Hoping I don’t get that side effect But If I do at least I’ll understand why it’s happening.

I had a debilitating panic attack back in 2000. it happened at work…I had to flee and go to my house…I wouldn’t leave unless my family came and got me. I lived with my mother for a while until I figured out the way to beat the anxiety and fear of panic is to ignore it, defeat it…don’t be afraid of being afraid. I beat it that way. good luck…it’s all in your head.