Sza bipolar type and zoloft

Do any of you take Zoloft and dosage and did it make you manic?

Zoloft did not induce any kind of mania in me, and when I was stable on it it was at a pretty high dose, 150 mg I think?

But then again I reaaaally don’t think I get mania, I think maybe the doctor got confused.

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I get mania but for 3 years I’ve only had hypo mania. I really want to increase my Zoloft. I’m only at 50

I’m at 200 and I get mania if I have too much caffeine

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50 mg I started seeing some improvement but it was mild. When I was on 150 I was sooo stable, no intrusive thoughts, no anxiety or anger problems, no hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, etc. I loved Zoloft but it ruined my bladder. Doctor said either it caused a weakening of my pelvic muscles that will require many sessions of expensive physical therapy to correct or it triggered a permanent inflammatory condition. Either way I couldn’t stay on it :disappointed:Watch out for if you start feeling like you have to pee all the time, it’s not a common or dangerous side effect but it’s a long lasting/potentially permanent one.

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@Jonnybegood ??


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Bigjon is in 50 mg and he is enjoying…

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Actually I’m on 25 mg and its fantastic for me. I don’t get manic on this dose and it does make a big difference despite being such a low dose!


im planning on going onto zoloft, im just going to bust it out in my doc room. I have this strange feeling zoloft is what i need

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