Took my first capsule earlier today. I’m taking it along with 20mg Abilify for the time being. I’ll keep this thread updated with how it’s affecting me.
Also, does anyone know how long this medication takes to work? I’m having trouble finding info on that.
Oh I see, thought you would always take them together. I also had addiction issues, mainly compulsive shopping, from Abilify. I also had hypersexuality from it. I was on 20mg. My negative symptoms were much better on Abilify though. I prefer Vraylar, its a similar med as Rexulti and Abilify, they’re partial dopamine antagonists.
Now I am 4mg Risperdal, waiting on Vraylar to become available here by end of this year. Partial dopamine antagonists improve my negative symptoms by a LOT.
Sadly addictions and impulsions are underrated everywhere, no one believes that meds can cause them. I had to show the FDA and Health Canada addiction & hypersexuality warnings about Abilify to my psychiatrist, he didn’t believe me at first. Ppl think its our personality and that nothing can change personalities, not even meds. Meds do change our personality! Ppl think we’re just bad ppl forever!
Totally agree. There are actually law firms that have cases going against makers of Abilify. I contacted one at one point (my gambling was out of control). They ended up telling me that the cases results weren’t favorable enough for the plantiffs to go forward with it.
And yeah, I wouldn’t be against just lowering the Abilify or trying a different partial dopamine agonist along with the Caplyta. Vraylar is usually better with side effects I take it?
Its a partial dopamine antagonist/agonist just like Abilify and Rexulti but without possible addiction and hypersexuality side effects. I suggest you try Caplyta alone and compare how your negative symptoms are on it vs Abilify. If they’re the same just stick with Caplyta. If Abilify’s negative symptoms are better, then switch to Vraylar. Don’t waste your time with Rexulti, its very similar to Abilify and has the same FDA and Health Canada warnings about addictions and hypersexuality as Abilify.