SSDI SSI Disability Benefits Hearing Questions

How many have been approved for SSDI and/or SSI benefits without having to go for a hearing.

After 2 committments, I applied in June 2018 and was denied.

I reapplied June 4, 2019 and have not heard yet.

When my lawyer told me I might have to go before a judge, it triggered me really bad and it was bad. Anxiety, etc.

Why do they need to talk to me in person when my medical issues are well-documented?

I’m not sure, but I know the government is cracking down on doctors who aren’t taking long enough to review cases. Maybe it’s part of that

I had a hearing. Just be honest and if you are symptomatic all the better because the judge can see.

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It’s very stressful. I don’t know how I will get to a hearing. If I’m having a bad day, I just don’t know if I can sit in a courtroom and answer questions about things I may or may not even remember. What kind of questions would he ask that are not already in my medical history?

They do this because a lot of people try to get disability when they can actually work. I haven’t met anyone who wasn’t denied the first time. Lots of documentation is usually needed and just a diagnosis usually doesn’t constitute Ssdi/ssi. Pretty much anyone can get hospitalized if they want. Suicide, suicidal thoughts, depression etc.

I had a hearing. The judge asked me simple questions like could I maintain hygiene and if I had friends. I was in full-blown panic attack mode and I managed ok. The judge was understanding.

The judge WANTS to see you at your worst. It helps them see you aren’t kidding.

@Pinkbarbie23 I got disability the first time I applied. 3 months after my application I was receiving payments.

I got approved the first try. But I also have several physical disabilities.

It helps to have letters from doctors and therapists in your support.

I got approved first try, no lawyer, no hearing, and no exam. But I have gone back to work and am not receiving it anymore.


I’m just saying it is normal to get rejected your first time. A lot of people will give up and assume they can’t get it, but the more documentation you have the better and nowadays they do make you jump through hoops.

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I completely agree @Pinkbarbie23

I doubt it’s in a court room.

Mine was at the SS office and done via video call. You can’t have anyone with you except a representative like a lawyer. It’s a good idea to have one. I didn’t and probably screwed up my hearing. I sold a bunch of stuff, claimed it on taxes, and the judge said it was over their earnings limit. Ill probably be denied but will try again because the vocational expert they had on the call said there are no jobs i can do reliably long term. Even short time I’d be fired.

What did you apply for? SSDI or SSI? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

You usually apply for both at the same time

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I was approved the first time applied, less than 3 months later.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. :grin::grin::grin:

I have an attorney. I applied for SSDI and then someone from the Social Security called and recommended I apply for SSI, too.
I am just really afraid and don’t know if I can talk to a judge about what I have gone through on some days. Other days I might talk more than he wants to hear. It just depends. I wish I could just get a lot better and go back to work and not have to deal with all this.

The medicine I’m on has helped take the edge off but some days I want to sleep all the time and not talk. Other days my mom has to remind me not to say some things to people.

I feel bad for her because she is older and having to take care of my bills, remind me to do things around the house and take me to my appointments when I know she doesn’t feel well some days.