I have my next social security hearing next Tuesday. Here’s a recap:
I applied in 2017 and set my disability date in 2014 when I developed psychosis. Social security turned me down for years and then I got a hearing set in 2020. Then COVID hit and it got pushed back over a year later. At that point I was partially approved meaning I was deemed disabled starting in 2019 not 2014. My lawyer said we should fight back on that because it could mean I am a disabled adult child if I became disabled before age 22 I believe. So we did, and I was warned it would mean they reopen my case entirely. I had the same judge the second hearing and he ended up saying I’m not disabled at all, so we fought that. It went to supreme court and I ended up getting a second lawyer for that. I won that one very quickly and now it’s back in social security and my follow up hearing is next week. So basically could be fine, could be better off, or could be completely ■■■■■■. If they deny me I will lose my benefits and I will have to start all over.
I had my hearing today, it went really well. My lawyer is hopeful for a fully favorable decision. Apparently the supreme Court called my last judge appalling for denying my case outright. I guess his reasoning for denying me was obviously ill considered given the facts. This judge seemed nice and listened well. I also got overwhelmed with it all and ended up staring at the my hands while fiddling the whole time. I think I explained my symptoms well, my lawyer asked a lot of good questions to get me to say the right things, etc. Hoping for a fully favorable decision.
I feel very fortunate that that here in the UK we are not in front of a judge at appals with our benefits. Here there is a three way panel with medical person and two others. I wouldn’t cope with being in front of a judge when he’s on his own… Wish you all the best @Moon
Exactly. I had so many diagnosed and countless hospitalizations, and never was able to work more than part time for more than 2 months, yet they found ways to deny me for some unknown reason.