Sweet, maybe the older ones will get cheaper. I’d like to settle for something that’s not an iphone but I love my 6. It’s just so slow on the browser these days compared to the slick new models. The keyboard isn’t responsive and pages take a second to load.
Yeah the older phones get cheaper when the new iPhone comes out. Plus Apple discontinues making certain models after a few years. When this happens phone shops try and get rid of their stock and you can get a phone even cheaper
I want a 10 but I might settle for an 8. I didn’t know a new one was coming out this year, I don’t really keep up with new phones. Not enough disposable income to keep up with the latest and greatest.
I paid around 600 for my 6 when it was still the latest, but the newer phone was about to come out. 750 sounds doable with the money we’ve come into, I think it might be a good investment. How is the XR size compared to 6? I always loved that the 6 was a hair bigger than the 5 and 7 (IIRC).
The home button on my phone has been broken for three months now, I’ve been using the digital home button that you can enable in settings, it is a pain in the buttinsky.
The XR is 6.1 inches, just the right size, imho, to use with one hand.
There is no home button. You swipe from the bottom. The phone unlocks when you look at it (biometrics). This feature takes about 1 minute to set up. You can set up Siri to only respond to your voice.
I’ll post a pic of my cat taken with iPhone XR to show the camera. Give me a minute or so.