Spent the day in the emergency room

Last night I was there and they said I had heartburn.

Today after a bunch of tests they are leaning toward kidney problems, possibly stones. If I’m in too much pain when my morphine wears off they want me to come back and they’ll do some more imaging. If I can make it through the night just come back at 8 or 9 in the morning for the tests.


I hope the doctors can help you and the pain stops.

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SpringRose you are just so sweet, thank you


Awe…hope it’s not too painful and they sort out what is going on! Hugs.


Wishing you a speedy recovery :heart:

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oh no…I hope you get it fixed. good luck.

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Good luck, hopefully they find a diagnosis so they can heal you.

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Praying for you @Leaf, hope all is well.

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I hope you feel better soon. Sucks to feel ill and be in pain.

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Praying for strength for you

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@rogueone @POET @jukebox @Zoe @Natron @Jonathan2 @mangojuice , Thank you all for your well wishes. I managed sleep off and on. The pain is still there but a little less, so I say that’s a good sign.


hope everything is going better friend :slight_smile:

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Thank you @instinkt

I went back again at 9am like the doc wanted and she began testing. More fluids, more morphine. I was in the ER till 4 pm. After all the testing she found an uti, an injured kidney and fatty liver, oh yea, and I didn’t realize but I was terribly constipated.

So, my body is actually fighting the uti, she sent in the rx, but only wants me to take it if it seems like i’m losing the fight.

The kidney injury is from, of all things, dehydration. I can’t believe it. I have decided to get a case of spring water each week, and only drink fizzy water like a treat because it, for some reason, isn’t hydrating me.

The fatty liver is something I’m to address with my regular doc, I don’t know what the plan is for that.

The nurse gave me something, I forgot what he said it was, but it’s knocked the heck out of the constipation x 10.

So, the pain is still there, but less. I’m mega hydrating with spring water, right now I feel pretty good about still fighting the uti and later today I will call to make an appointment with my doctor for the fatty liver.


I hope you feel better soon @Leaf .

At least you have a better picture of what’s going on.

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Thank you @Jonathan2


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