Sounds you can imagine

I wonder what counts as sounds you can imagine ? I can repeat tunes I know in my mind by thinking about them, but try to imagine the sound of something like a car or a vacuum cleaner and nothing happens.

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hmm maybe you need more senses involvedā€¦ picture the car peeling out and see if you can hear the rubber burn up on the pavementā€¦nopeā€¦ i cant bring up sound memoriesā€¦ i cant bring up smells eitherā€¦

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I canā€™t imagine smell,taste and touch either. No ability to see with my mindā€™s eye so canā€™t picture the car peeling out.


hmmā€¦ your brain is keeping that info somewhere as you can id things instantly due to sound taste feelā€¦ so why can we not consciously access the libraryā€¦?


Good question.15 char

ahhā€¦ you close your eyes to visualize thingsā€¦ essentially your turning off your live feed to the world leaving you room to imagine thingsā€¦ when im asleep i have no visual or audible inputs tuned into my environment thus allowing for dreams which is both visual and audibleā€¦

so we may need to block all incoming sound stimuli to actually recall sound memoriesā€¦

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@firemonkey, can you recall your past? Any memories of events, incidents, situations from your youth?

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Interesting question. I have rather poor autobiographical memory as a lot of people with aphantasia do. My recall of past events is patchy and very much lacking in fine/small details.

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I bought a thin sort of sweater yesterday, made of cotton. In it, I feel like the way I was back in my - past the bad part -of my teen age years. A bit of reality knocking at my door. I took it off - I wonder if Iā€™ll recall the environment and situations from back then. Or - the subtle feel of life.


ā€œSounds you can imagineā€

the imagination is a beautiful place where i can imagine any sound, if i dream deep enough

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Is it live, or is it memorex?

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I can sing a song in my head like ā€˜My girlā€™ but canā€™t imagine the Temptations singing it.

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Sometimes it seems like realization.

Hi, Rhubot

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Connecting with anything in my past is very rare and important to me.