I am hoping my upped dose of sertraline helps soon. Trying to keep my chin up.
Think positive. I try to. Are you going to be okay?
Sorry you’ve been in the wars. Always nice to see you doing well and not in pain. Hang in there and hope the new meds help you out.
I’ll be okay I’m sure. Just one step at a time
Don’t apologize for being down. It happens to all of us if we’re honest about ourselves.
What did they increase your dose to?
100mg to150mg zoloft/sertraline
I hope it gets better soon.
if you do what you can with what you have, why is there a struggle?
Very rarely is our present best effort, a personal best, ideally our personal best is in the future, and not in our past. but it shouldn’t matter.
you are contributing to the world even the trees need the carbon dioxide you exhail. and the trees and their worshipers have you to thank.
That’s great. Hopefully that will give you a little boost and you’ll start to feeling better.
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