i wanted to tell someone and it should be in the recovery area i think because its all about starting a new life, starting afresh, like somebody rolling the stone away and being reborn completely by immersion, but i know some people feel really triggered by this so i will try and leave out most of the details but all i wanted to say was that i am thinking about it bc 3 members are doing it soon and i might do it as well.
i’m not going to forget who i am but i am going to be fully committed to the cause from that point as much as i can maybe more than i am now, i think i will also become a member at the same time which has its perks i am told,
we are a small community but we are close to each other and they are crying out for young blood to come in to carry the torch for the next generation, if things go the way they are just now the world will completely descend into madness without the community spirit that should bring us all together as Christians.
i know many would dispute this but these are my thoughts and i am sorry if they are triggering for you
p.s. pls dont delete my post, my Christian beliefs are a huge part of my recovery now, they keep me on my toes and alert and help me to cope with things a bit better, and i have to be sure that i am stable enough to be able to deal with what is said if i am thinking about going there.
i use to get religious delusions but i made them a reality and i want to contribute to my church as much as i can now so i guess i have taken something really negative and turned it into something really positive which i am proud of myself for.
thanks for reading and again i am sorry if this is triggering for you
Faith certainly made me feel and act in ways that were among the most positive and optimistic in my entire life. Unfortunately, however, my inability to turn off the over-thinking made it also one of the triggers to among the worst times in my life.
If you are a person who can be faithful without it becoming a trigger for delusions or hallucinations … and without it interfering with your normality and prioritisations, then go for it (!) and even though I don’t know you, I’m happy for you!
Even if you remove all of the religion from Christianity, the parables are an excellent basis for a moral existence.
thanks @Polymorphed it is nice not to get judged on here regarding religion, a lot of people have a problem with it and i know it can be a trigger and for that i take deep distress but i think it can also be a good thing for me with the proper help and encouragement as long as i am stable enough.
The main issue I have with Christianity as a way of life for a Sz is the fact that the manifestations of the Church completely enable delusions and hallucinations of such a broad nature. For me it was healing by touch. For others it’s the perception of spirits, inferring the word of God through voices, and so on. It’s can be very dangerous, even for people who are not clinically Sz. Even just chronic depression can lead to psychosis and the manifestations can serve to perpetuate them. Christianity is so wide-spread and accepted that a person can easily seek to find support that only serves to keep them descending further from reality.
My advice is stay completely away from the manifestations and just enjoy the social spirit of it.
thats exactly what i am trying to do, thanks for wording that so well, it is a challenge for me but yes i am trying my best to stay away from the manifestations and concentrating on the social aspect of it, i am just so glad that the meds are working so well for me.
I’m not sure what you mean by this. Does the group you’re writing about have unusual views? Do you have to commit to something? Or are you talking about physically going somewhere for a purpose.
I hope you are stable enough too + that this is a good experience for you. You can always leave if it starts to get too much for you. You should know about that…Good luck in your decisions.
thanks pob, this is exactly what i mean about it, [quote=“pob, post:6, topic:46989”]
Does the group you’re writing about have unusual views? Do you have to commit to something?
thanks again pob for allowing myself to explain things, basically it has views that a lot of people may be triggered by including myself if i don’t watch out, but i think i am past getting triggered by it tbh but still remain vigilant, and the immersion thing that i may do is a way of saying to people that i am committed to it completely.
it is not a cult though and i would never join a cult, those things are bad
I think what pob might be alluding to is the fact that Christianity takes on many different shapes and forms - and some of them are more cult-like in their focus/es than others. For example, the “church” my father is a part of actively encourages their members to go out into the streets and approach strangers to offer them the laying of hands in the name of God. They are also very successful at obtaining large and frequent donations from their members.
Just be careful and never allow yourself to feel obliged to do anything that you feel uncomfortable doing.
Hey, daydreamer, this is just idle curiosity. The immersion thing - I assume is sort of like baptism - being ‘dipped’ in water? Would it be a natural body of water like a river or a deep pool in a stream? Always was appealing to me. Or maybe I’ve got it all wrong.
Anyhow this has nothing to do with your post - sorry. It was just on my mind.
Clearly I’m utilising the forums as a means of distraction, but anyway …
Putting the username “daydreamer” and the word “immersion” together, I have identified a pattern that suggests what is actually meant could be “becoming consumed by”. If that doesn’t make sense, then what I mean is … getting so drawn into it that you lose touch with reality.
thanks pob, it has everything to do with this post tbh,
the place where i go has an immersion tank under the main stage, it is really quite good as it is a good size and the water is heated before the event, you are placed inside the immersion tank (there are steps down with a hand rail) and someone is beside you to catch you, then after the minister has spoken you are submerged for a second or two and then you come back up but don’t worry because you can wear your normal clothes or a pair of shorts and after it you get a towel to dry off and a change of clothes that you bring.
i would also become a member which would have its own perks
no, but there was one member that was a really nice guy and i think he kind of lost the plot with it, its so easy to do these days but i think i am strong enough to cope with the demands that may be put on to me,
i tried to volunteer with the kids youth club for a while but it was a bit much for me but i was told that i could go back anytime i like so there was no pressure but i would like to help them out somehow and i have donated some money to them since i have been going which goes to various good causes throughout the world which i think is nice.
Don’t worry, I am frequently wrong when it comes to interpreting with others mean. I probably just projected my own issue with religion. Although I did run up the water bill quite significantly during my recent psychosis. That being said, baths and showers ARE nice things.
I have never really been to a church or become involved socially enough to have even heard of an immersion tank as a churchy device, but it makes sense to me now.
Donating to a good cause is a nice thing to do and can make you feel quite good in the process. There is a difference between giving what you can afford and being guited into giving more than you can afford by a sense of obligation or competition. Just look after yourself first and foremost, then you will be able to look after others in a sustainable and ongoing manner.