Sorry i get snappy :(

sorry, just saying sorry :frowning: its a stressful time for us all and i seem to be very over sensitive atm, little things set me off :frowning: idk why, i need to discuss it with my dr, idk how to handle my moods atm, so i’m saying sorry, i am trying to stick to the rules, i sometimes get side tracked though, something tells me to do this and do that and i just do whatever it says, it sort of controls me, its telling me to apologise and jsut say i am really trying to stick to the rules, i never wanted to break the rules but i did, i didnt mean to cause any trouble. just saying i am trying my best but i do still have some symptoms i think, i think they are symptoms but i am not sure.


Apology accepted. We don’t hold a grudge. I hope you talk to your therapist about ways to do what you know is right even when you feel strong impulses to do and say hurtful things. My kid struggles with a similar thing, and I know it isn’t easy.


people say hurtful things to me as well, last night a wrote a facebook post about donating to a homeless vendor and i got dogs abuse, its not fair, i shouldnt have snapped at zombiemom but i i was so worked up my breathing was really weird, i had to put on a meditation thing and luckily it calmed me down but today i felt so bad bc i was convinced i was going to die so i phoned a nurse, there is so much going on in my head right now but i am trying to sort it out and chill myself down :frowning: its all up and down a bit really

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You’re a decent chap. I’ve had my frustrations with this forum in the past.

Hey! You live long enough, and sh!t happens!.


Thanks Patrick, if i ever said anything hurtful then i am sorry, it is not my intention to hurt people.

My family listen to me say some things sometimes but they dont get offended, they listen and its ok if they disagree bc at the end of the day its ok to be different. just got to try and be nice about it and i dont get offended unless i feel offended then i get defensive which i need to control.

My family and I just laugh about things like that bc it doesn’t really matter, what matters is that we are together and just laughing about things.

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My dad’s like that. He snaps then 3 seconds later he’s fine and feels guilty over snapping but my dad has a lot of good in him

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I haven’t noticed you being overtly offensive.

You had a few beefs which you aired out. Relax…it’s only the Internet after all.

We’re all half good/ evil sometimes. It’s that ooey, gooey cosmic mix which makes us all human beings. :wink:

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I try to be a good person Patrick,

Another member mentioned balance but i try and lean more toward that Good to try and protect me but some of these thoughts could be harmful idk,

Maybe i am just old fashioned, a dying breed, no one believes in the old ways anymore, i am a relic i guess. on the scrap heap, I still think a lot of the old ideals are still valid though,

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My brother is a big hot head.


some times if you are under a lot of stress you can get snappy :frowning: or maybe i cant handle stress very well

I’m not saying that you are a hot head @daydreamer
Just mentioning that my brother has a big temper.

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I know but i do get a little hot headed sometimes though, not all the time

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My father has a temper also.
It doesn’t take much to get him worked up

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My dad very rarely had a temper, he was also a cheeky bast*rd though lol, he was a joker, but he protected us growing up with my Sister and I, he couldnt protect himself in the end though, drank too much

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Don’t get me wrong my dad is a nice guy he’s just a bit emotional and is easily stirred up.
He also suffers from anxiety.

I asked a nurse today if anxiety can kill me and she said no, its no a physical thing its more psychological but it has physical affects. :frowning: its horrible

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Try not to sweat the little things in life.

Your words/ actions on this forum should not be number one at the front of your brain. Your job/ hobbies and family and real life friends are what should matter to you the most.

So you aired out a few beefs on the forum. Many of us have done that…and many will continue to do just that on occasion.

Stop stewing over piffles and get on with it! :wink:


I’ve had to apologize before to the forum. Try to let it go now that you see what you did was wrong and do your best not to do it again. That’s my goal anyway.