Sorry for being dramatic yesterday

I had a bad time last night and was a bit emotional on this board. My apologies - folk have enough to worry about without me sounding off.


Having mental illness flare up and needing to talk about it isn’t being dramatic. You should feel comfortable venting and sharing here when you need to.


Thanks @Turnip. You are a cool person.

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No problem, I’m especially glad you shared about attacking your pubes because I do that sometimes when I’m very stressed and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in some of my bizarre coping mechanisms. So thanks for being willing to share the reality of how it is.

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As @rogue says - I am a brother in the struggle

Compliment: you guys do emotions really well!

Jimbob coming back to apologise appears a small gesture only before you really look at it more closely. If more people could 1. actually identify their errors and; 2. be brave enough to take accountability, then the world would be far more progressive.

We should seriously be coaching the normies.


Hey jimbob! Glad everything’s ok today!

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Just glad you’re doing better today @Jimbob

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Jimbob, you have a few bad days a month. I hate benzos, but you sound like getting about 5 pills a month would be a good idea. You’ve got to start planning ahead for these bad days.

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@Jimbob Glad today is a better day today no need to apologize

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We all have ups and downs, there is no need to apologize, when I am depressed I try not to write here, but I suppose that is why we are here, to tell about our emotions and feelings.

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happens mate :elephant:

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In a single hour I can cycle through blissful to toxic and back again a hundred times. If it’s just a day or two a month, you qualify as having your ■■■■ pretty well together in my view :smiley: