I posted about my frog…yes again. I looked at her front leg and thought I saw a nupital pad but no dice. Had a friend send me pics of his frogs and I was overly excited I guess. Sorry.
Its cool Cbb…!!! Ur post and pictures are awesome…!!!
Thanks, my friend wants to breed his male albino cheddar to my jasper. But I said no it takes a lot of effort to successfully breed and raise Pac man frogs.
Yes its hard to breed frogs… dog breeding is easy…!!! Do u have dogs @cbbrown…
my in laws have dogs, i take care of them. they started keeping their little girl’s favorite dog inside after their daughter found out they were keeping her outside or in the basement when she wasn’t here. but my mother in law said she wasn’t going to put with her brother’s family’s dog because he was attacking the other dogs. so she wants them to take him to their currently unlivable home.
Whats the dogs breed…??
The oldest dog is sonic my mother in law 's brothers dog he is nine and a lab beagle mix.
Then there is my mother in law’s dog missy she is a shih Tzu she is 4. Then jax is three she is a Boston terrier mix and lillac is a 6 month lab mix
Do u take care of all this pet @cbbrown…???
Four dogs, two cats, two bearded dragons, a parakeet, a bunny, and a Pac man frog all for a measly 20 USD a week.
I love seeing your posts about your frog!! I feel like I’m learning a lot about them!! Plus jasper is cute!!!
My inlaws paid us back for taking Leo to the vet. He is okay. But vet said he was impressed with what I know. And thankful I brought her in. I said this before but he said it again. He always just gets the pac man frogs in for emergency reasons. I brought jasper in for general check ups
You must have a big house and yard for all those animals.
The house is three bedrooms but my partner and I share a small apartment in the back of the house. The only animals that are ours is one of the bearded dragons, the frog, and a betta. But might as well say the cats are ours as well because we buy everything and I take care of them.
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