Songs that you know every word to. Without listening to the music and singing along. That's cheating

It seems like I know every song that comes on the radio.

But when I really think about it,

I only know a few lines or phrases.

Without music.

What songs do you know, for sure, every word.

I’ll think about it and post mine too.

Also, it doesn’t count if you wrote it.


I used to know every single word of Animal by Three Days Grace, as a teenager. I was so “emo” that I wrote down the lyrics on a napkin, on a plane, and left the napkin in the seat pocket in front of me, for the next passenger to find. :joy:


That’s hilarious.

If only we could spy on the weirdo teenage version of us.

We’d cringe constantly.

I found one I know all the lyrics to without music:


Something to believe in, by Poison.


American Pie. And the weird al version.


Nice that you know both.

Found another one I know all the words to:

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Most of Elvis’s songs.


Very cool.

Elvis and I have the same birthday.

Several years apart, but still.


I have to say Old Man, but there is quite a number of Neil Young songs I know the lyrics to by Heart


i don’t think I remember the words to any song anymore. I used too when I was younger but I’ve forgotten a lot. I don’t listen to music as much as I once did. And thanks to the internet I’ve realized what I thought they were saying was totally wrong, lol

Example: I thought Elton John was singing “hold me close young Tony Danza” when he was really singing “Hold me closer, tiny dancer”. I have many examples like that.


I know a lot of songs where I know every word by heart. I’ve had to, since I’ve played in cover bands and it was a job requirement.


You know all the words to American Pie? That’s amazing.


A Day in the Life by the Beatles.


Thanks! In college, my friend and I would have “fights” where he would start singing the weird al version amd I would sing the original version, and we would try to mess each other up.


That song is awesome.

I used to know over two hundred songs having been a musician. Most of them were oldies or in Spanish. I have noticed when I play some on the guitar now, I’ll forget a stanza sometimes or repeat a different line at at the wrong place.

A lot of doo wop songs. Stuff like this,

I still know that song.

You’re a gangsta Dino. “Or if you wanna just get high, just say it, then just say it, but then if youse a liar liar, pants on fire” that’s a line I almost always remember from that song. It’s impressive that you know all the lyrics to Hip Hop by Dead Prez.

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