Son lux are getting good

Hip pop is amazing and the new stuff that’s coming out of rap is some powerful stuff , you know of xxx tetecion ? Hes got some words that kid , heart of a warrior , music is unusual but I celebrate the strange and unusual


It’s dream like , he did an inspiring animation peace in the seventies it’s bizarre , gnossasus I think it’s called , my Android won’t let me copy links I’m sorry , maybe some nice person will find it and it will pop up magically :wink: haha , wow I’m smiling guys , that’s amazing

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Sorry the spelling is satie , Eric satie

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ahhh - yes and - Gymnopedies as well? :slight_smile: Is it this one, @Songbird?

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It’s just wonderful. How do u like it , I’ve heard this since I was an infant

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Oh, I love it. Faure by Pavane is one of my all time favourites. How do you like it, @Songbird?

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I played Gabriel faure for my grade 7 , I play the flute , I used to play the flute should I say

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That’s just awesome, @Songbird.

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It’s beautiful , like water , I feel music a lot , not to be triggering but something wonderful happens , especially with the classical , so glad there is someone who appreciates too :slight_smile:

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Do you like film scores ?

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Yes, @Songbird. Filmscores are cool! Hans Williams is one of my favourite film score composers. What/who do you like?

PS This guitar/flute performance of Faure Pavane op. 50 is for you. :slight_smile:

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pps. I meant to write Hans Zimmer. sigh I was thinking of John Williams.

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Haha I do the same , I muddle things up as I get passionate lol , yes Christopher young is fab and I like Jerry goldsmith is a favourite but I don’t think there was a good film made in the 80s he didn’t score , the green mile soundtrack is amazing I can’t recall a name at the min , where abouts are u from ? And how old are you ? If u don’t mind me asking :slight_smile:

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Sicilliene , opus 78 I played , I remember I got so nervous I stopped during the performance and almost shook the place down trembling , I gathered myself and started again , it was a proud moment for me , not because I had panicked , but because I tried again , I have played since I was 6 years old , I’m 30 now

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@Songbird, I’m in Canada. How do you like Glen Gould’s rendition of Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier and such? I was just listening to Sicilliene, opus 78 - cool! Brava on you for going on with your performance. :slight_smile:

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Ohhhhh I’m not sure I shall have a listen now :slight_smile:

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Putting belly pork in the oven with wine in pot and in hand , it goes splendidly , Gould has a solice and strangeness to him , is he savant ? Definitely goes somewhere whilst playing , tori Amos looses herself like this , well not quite like this haha it’s obscure , I love it , thank u

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Thank you for making time to listen to Glen Gould, @Songbird. Born in Toronto, he is one of Canada’s national treasures. Sadly, he passed at a relatively young age. I’d suspect he was savant. He was certainly known for his personal and musical eccentricities.

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His rendition of toccata in f sharp has just brought me to tears , I had not been aware of him before now but I have a love of Bach , Gould, he has a lightness to him it’s beautiful

I come from the land of the Beatles , and many other iconic names , classical savants however are in short supply to my utter turmoil haha , Regina Spector and Laura marling have been my main focus of late besides a lot of strange Celtic techno (don’t ask lol) but I fear I will loose myself in the notes of old , to me it’s absolute freedom and the opposite of what I feel most of the time

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Davey spillaine is wonderful if you like ulliene pipes at all , omg I’ve figured the link thing out !!! Genius I am not haha

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