Sometimes strange thoughts appear in my head (solipsism)

Maybe I am a God? The only one conscious being? How do I know?
And what I mean… it’s clearly not delusional, because I understand my place in this world. I know I am very average human being, who has work and have days when struggle a little more.
Just the theory of “Solipsism”… It still breaks me.
How do I know I am not the only one conscious being in the universe?
I remember when I was psychotic I was very sure I am the only one.
Know, this thought sometimes pops in my head, and I start overthinking everything I see.
I know, deep inside, that all the things, humans, animals exist. But how do I know they have conciousness? No way to test that. That’s why I hate and like at the same time solipsism.

It’s not the first time I am talking about this… but this theory makes me worry waaay too much.


You should jump in @Om_Sadasiva thread


I have same issues.


@Om_Sadasiva I am interested why solipsism theory affect some people way more…
sometimes this theory is so frightening. I remember during psychosis I was so scared of possibility that I am alone in the whole universe.

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Moved it to unusual beliefs.

Please keep it recovery focused.

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i think from your words
you somewhat grandiosity
you should take meds !

Solipsism is phenomenon of indirect realism. Schizo should never forget that the world is not directly percieved but reconstructed or simulated by brain into mind. It can become confused as sole reality. But there is an actuality, or actual world apart from our minds.


I think it’s normal for a 20something to trip a bit on solipsism… may be your age more than your sz


Solipsism gets me too. But there is a world outside your head.

This makes me think you may be in the beginning of a psychosis. Please talk to pdoc about this.

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@bittercat I mean these thoughts that I am only one happened many years ago.

I am ok now… I feel not bad
Just sometimes now when I read or remember solipsism I still become frightened. That’s all
I mean I fear this theory by itself

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Ah I see. I was worried it may have been a warning sign for psychosis. You can take solace in the fact that we on the forum are here and real. Glad to see you posting about it instead of keeping it in.


Thanks for sharing as this is an issue with me also.

I did not know it had a name Solipsism LOL

I used to take this so seriously. But as you said it is just a theory

My meds helped tremendously with the feeling

It became habitual thinking for me I think. And seeing people here go on and establish new habits shows me it can be changed. It challenges my thinking, but when it makes my life to challenging I put my thinking in other areas. Now I am putting my thinking on things that don’t make me lonely.

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So it means no one else is real?

Wow that’s quite depressing.

I just don’t like the thought of that, so I don’t allow myself to believe it.

That’s how I get over it, and it’s easy to not believe it because… Ppl feel real to me. Lol


If solipsism is possible so is everything else, not to know off anything else would be ignorance :thinking:

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Solipsism is similar to non duality, oneness of
oriental philosophies


Ego death and solipsism converge in continuum with oneness with world. Solipsism is hyperegoistic and ego death is hyperaltrusitic.


When I see people suggesting that I think that since I know for a fact I am conscious, you must not be the only one and thus there are other consciousnesses. Issue with that is that in order for it to work I’d have to be sure you are in fact conscious and we’d be back to the original problem: we cannot be sure anyone but ourselves truly is conscious.

In the end of the day, it’s like gravity. I don’t understand it properly, or at least don’t have enough knowledge about how it works to know beyond any doubt how it will behave in any given circumstance and why. But I do know that every time I dropped my phone it fell to the floor, so that’s most likely what will happen if I drop it again. I don’t know exactly what means to be conscious, nor if other people truly are conscious in the same sense I am, but they sure act like they are and that’s enough for me.


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