Something weird happened just now, it was freaky

Someone tried to get into our apartment just now! I live in government housing but its one of the better buildings supposedly. Anyhow, they had the wrong keys because they couldn’t get in. My mom and I shouted “wrong apartment” and they said, it’s “_" … I’m looking for… "”. We kept telling them they had the wrong apartment and they finally asked if it was the right building number and we said no. Then they swore and left.

We called security to give them heads up but they didn’t really seem to care. I don’t think they’re going to look into it.

It was weird and I thought they were doing it to trip me out, and they were actually trying to get in or something. I’m still kind of freaked out by this.


I don’t blame you for being freaked out. But they sound like an idiot rather than a burglar or something.


Ah yes, that’s what I’m thinking now. Thanks for your reply @everhopeful


OMG… Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. Two hooded guys rang the doorbell at 3 am… thought it might be mum but turned out they wanted to see who was inside.

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Several times, maybe more, I’ve been at a store or AA meeting or some other place with my car parked in a parking lot and I come out and walk to my car and put the keys in to unlock and it just won’t open and I can’t figure out why. Until I realize it’s not my car!! Could this be similar to your situation?

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Putting it in perspective like that makes me think that the people were probably lost.

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