Probably just constipation. My dog gets it sometimes. I give him a treat on his food to keep it away. I mix 1 egg with 1\3 cup oil until a light yellow “gravy” and give to her. i used to work with a vet years ago while farming and she gave me the recipe. If you have honey add a teaspoon.
Keep giving her water, and maybe try taking her for a walk. It could be constipation, and exercise is good for that.
Did she eat the last time you fed her? We just had our dog to the vet for a similar reason, and they said animals wont usually keep eating if they are impacted/obstructed.
You’re welcome. Try giving her that once a week or more on her food. My dog literally dances when he sees me make it. It also helps skon, coat and eyes. Just be aware the first poo after may be runny since the oil stims the bowels.
That doesn’t sound good. Can you massage her tummy gently? Make an I shape, then L, then upside down U. It helps move things along the belly tract. Some won’t stay still though.
Until you can get her there, keep trying egg and oil. Even 1 small egg with a tablespoon oil will work. She’s small, right? The other recipe may have had too much oil for her.
Pumpkin is alsp good. A teaspoon mixed with her food.
My friend has a small dog, 6 pounds, and she gives her dog an egg scrambled in a tablespoon margarine. It’s all abput getting the oil in. Dogs love margarine!