Someone hit my mom with a car >:(

I just arrived in California today, we were supposed to get a burger but she’s probably gonna be in the hospital a week out of my three week stay. I’m hallucinating pretty badly and now the voices celebrate with each other after insulting me and talk about how happy they’d be if I offed myself. They kept telling me to get off the plane when I was flying. It was a miserable flight.

Anyways she was walking through a crosswalk with her fiancee and the guy just hit her. She needs stitches on her head and she might need some type of lower back surgery. She’s 54. I’m pretty sure it was a low speed hit but I don’t have all the details. It knocked her down is all, she didn’t get run over.

I’m just glad she didn’t lose consciousness, isn’t acting inhibited, and isn’t paralyzed. No broken bones either, there might be a fracture though. I’ve had stitches on my head before too, cracked my head open on a car’s hood ornament while wrecking my big wheel as a kid. I’m sure she will get better. If she were older I might worry more.

Why can’t people watch where they are going?


I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. People don’t pay enough attention to the road I guess. I hope she heals quickly and without complications.

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Geez, that’s terrible. I hope your mom recovers quickly. Are you staying at her house while she’s in the hospital?

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She and her fiancee live together in an apartment where I sleep on the couch if I’m visiting. He’ll be coming and going. He’s a real great guy, we get along well.


That’s good that your mom’s fiancee will be at the apartment. Do you feel comfortable talking with him if your symptoms are flaring up or if you’re stressed out because of your mom’s accident?

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Yes I feel comfortable talking about it. He’s helpful, one of his friends is schizophrenic.


Wow, man. Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she heals up quickly. I was almost run over a couple times crossing the street at a crosswalk. You’re right, people don’t pay attention.

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So sorry to hear that. I’ve come close to getting hit by cars in crosswalks from time to time. People speed and they’re looking at their phones and not paying attention. I try to find ways now to get where I am going that avoids cars as much as possible, and when I do have to cross I really watch out and I don’t assume drivers are paying attention to me walking in the crosswalk, because they might not be.


Talked to her on the phone, she sounds a lot better. They are still trying to decide if her tailbone needs a small surgery or not. No brain damage or anything, just a mild concussion. I’m very grateful. She’ll probably come home in a few days and recover at the apartment.


I’m sorry about your Mom.
She is my age.
Thank goodness it wasn’t worse!

She will be fine.

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Sorry to hear. Wishing you and mom the best.

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im so sorry to hear this my brother, i hope everything turns out alright. i know it will.

Oh my gosh! That’s so scary! Thank God she’s relatively ok. It could have been so much worse. Can your pdoc call in something to add to what you have now to get you through this ordeal? Like a PRN antipsychotic?

I hadn’t thought about myself. Maybe, I could call them. I’m not sure what they could prescribe though. I did go up from 10 mg of Zyprexa to 20 mg, which my pdoc okayed over the phone. I started doubling up and she’s going to call in some 20 mg ones.

The higher dose seems to be helping a lot. 10 just stopped working when this started. The environment I was in where it was working was zero stress.

Thanks for the reply!


Okay her fiancee came home and said they’re not doing any surgery. She should be discharged soon :smiley:


That’s horrible news. I hope she gets home soon is okay and you have a good visit.

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Doctor says she doesn’t need surgery. They have her in a private room now and we brought her some things. She will apparently need to go to physical therapy though. That scares me a little.

Wonderful she doesn’t need surgery! Are you staying at the hospital with her? Who is driving you?

Her fiancee has the car so I went up and visited today with him. He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, stepdad was a real angry person so this a real change of pace. I don’t have to be on constant guard with what I say like back in VA. We brought my mom a burger.

Regardless of where I live, I’m happy she’s found someone nice to be with that she has things in common with. They actually went to high school together and met at a reunion, both divorced. I’m also glad she’s in CA since she was in rainy foresty northern virginia for almost her entire life. She really wanted to get out of there I’m glad she did, and glad she’s gonna be okay.

It didn’t scare me much because when he showed up at the airport instead of my mom he couched the statement by stating first that she was okay and then second that she had been hit by a car.


He sounds like a great guy! I’m so glad your mom has him. I’m glad you have him, too. :slight_smile: I know the visit will look different, but I am in awe of the timing. How wonderful that you can be there for your mom! She needs you!

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