Some people disrespect the law

Do you obey all the rules, all the laws? Do you jay walk? Do you cheat on your taxes? Own illegal firearms? Where do you draw the line? There’s certain things you just don’t do. It’s too far. The ramifications are too great. The consequences too big. I think we should do our best to follow the rules and laws. Am I perfect? No. But when I mess up I try hard to do better. I try. Some people think the laws shouldn’t apply to them or that the laws are wrong and therefore willfully disobey them. They don’t even try to follow the law.


I follow the laws because i believe in being a good citizen.


The only things I do is cross the street when the light is red, and I loiter in front of my apartment building when I’m waiting for Uber or getting groceries delivered.

I try to follow the law.


I have been very unlucky the very few times I broke a law. Got fined almost every time. For drinking alcohol in a park. For going out during lockdown. For taking a bus without ticket. 3 out of 3 lol. Must be a sign.


I believe and follow the moral and ethical law.
State laws are full of faults, irrationality and change based on your culture and region.


can you give an example? i’m not aware


Like which laws?

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I drive over the speed limit sometimes. Not by much though.

Think about the laws of nazi germany or saudi arabia.

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Honestly I follow the law but if a law get passed that harms people or is corrupt I’d be pretty open with fighting it.

I am not opposed to fighting the government


I follow the law, but people bothering me don’t.

I don’t but I don’t harm anyone the state treats me like ■■■■ anyways so they can go ■■■■ themselves

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Well in the old days they used to prosecute gay men using Sodomy laws. I used to break that one when I was a young gay man.

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I also remember Segregation and Corporal Punishment when in Elementary school.

I always follow the law. I’ve been to jail before and it wasn’t fun. I’d hate to go back or worse wind up in prison.

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I was prosecuted. Does that mean I wudda gone to jail? Idk. But anyways. She dropped charges because she became aware that I was seriously mentally unwell. (I had bitten a policewoman)

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I have broken the law countless times but I’ve never been caught. And yet I’ve got a strong sense of duty.


The only time I ever broke the law is when I used to do drugs. Other than that I’m a pretty upstanding citizen. Laws are generally made for the betterment of society.

Oh I used to speed also.


When I was unmedicated I committed domestic violence on my mom, back in 2008. I wasn’t procecuted for it, but I did involuntary treatment. I didn’t resist it though, so I wasn’t put in handcuffs or anything.


@mike1, i was put in handcuffs for causing drama in the hospital as i tried to escape. it felt like a movie!!