What do you think when a person with sz breaks the law?

I was super delusional…and I got kicked out of a mall. I thought a girl that was walking in front of me was communicating to me. So I followed her, then I forgot to follow her. Then I went into a store that was made for women. Then I acted bizarre, and I picked up a women’s panties and put them back down. Then the woman who worked there called the cops(who worked in the mall)normal cops. Then another time when I was attending a university(I’m going to keep this short). I felt a girls but at the university’s bookstore.

Do you think I am a bad person for what I did? I don’t think I am a bad person. What do you think about people who murder people who shoot people?

I dunno. Groping someone isn’t the greatest thing to do (not the worst, but still pretty crappy). Causing mischief at a mall?..doubt anyone remembers it by now. I wouldn’t worry about it. Unless you’re Ted Bundy driving around burying people all over the state, I’d say a lot of actions by the mentally ill can be excused away. Even a lot of victims will understand and reframe the incident in their mind.

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I know of someone who stole chicken from the chicken shop lol.

Not actually funny I know


“Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades”.

I almost got busted for doing drugs several times. Mostly smoking crack. I just got very, very lucky and never got arrested.

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i always hate when there is mass shooting and then they say the shooter was mentally ill. other than that, normies break the law too.

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Most well-adjusted people don’t go on shooting sprees at the local mall.


that’s true, but it still makes me cringe when it happens and feel stigmatized.

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I know, somehow we have to figure out…how to fix the issue.

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I mean doing one bad thing doesnt make you a bad person but groping someone is sexual assault which is extremely crappy to do.


I dont think sz made you touch the butt

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When I touched a girl’s backside, I was super delusional. I was hearing voices, and I thought the voices were God. The voices said that she wouldn’t feel it. I don’t remember every delusion…because that was like 20 years ago.

Ok bro i believe you

It’s crazy…I was delusional when you posted your post. I thought you were attacking me. I thought you were making fun of me, with saying I was like Ted Bundy. Now I realize you were just trying to help me. Thanks for helping me, by the way. :smiley:

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Yeah man, it’s all good. Glad you’re feeling better. I’ve been feeling icky myself for the past few days. Pdoc appt coming up in a couple hours.

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I hope you feel better, and I hope your pdoc helps you.

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I think that the crimes or crime still happened.
However, the reason for that crime or crimes being mental illness, might mitigate the prosecutor to not file charges.

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