Socrates on exercise 🏋️‍♂️


Bonus quote from Plato:


Hmm. . .

Are You One Of @san_pedro’s Friends?.

Do You Also Have A Loving Family That Cares About You Deeply?.

Your Philosophical Meme’s Are Fascinating And Profound!.

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Thank you very much my brother. Yes I consider @san_pedro my friend.

Yes I think my family loves me

You must love God a lot my friend your always writing about spiritual things

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Hmm. . .

With @san_pedro And Your Personal Friendship With Him And His Family Aside.

Why Did You Post That One Quote By ‘Socrates’ That Looks Like A Toy Figure Holding A Frisbee?.

Isn’t That Slightly Insulting To The Evolving Island Of Philosophical Wisdom?.

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Hmm well… I’m not sure to be honest. But the reason I put it is because I believe physical work or at least exercise is important for spiritual development. It’s not about physical beauty but the inner or spiritual beauty that it creates in us (that often shows on the outside too).

I’m not discriminating against people by their looks just saying exercise can make us “glow” by conducting inner harmony within is. Humans are not made to sit around all day and it harms our spirit when we do.

Hmm. . .

You Make A Great Point.

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Thank you :pray: 52552526

Hmm. . .

You’re Welcome.

Don’t Forget To Exercise, Take Vitamin Supplements, Sleep 8 Hours, And Find Time To Rest.

You Will Discover The Universe Not Only Exist’s In Your Mind. But!, Right Outside Your Door.

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yea exercise is amazing. I used to jog all the time.

then abilify stopped that.

it made me depressed because running was my natural antidepressant.

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Hey @Zoe

I Walk 3 Miles On Many Occasions During The Weeks And Such.

It Is Exercise Yes. But!, The Trees, Squirrels, Bird’s, And Bee’s And So On Are Magic?.

It Invigorates The Aura, Shadow And Spirit. And Clears The Mind.

I’m Wandering Slightly.

Still Wondering Why The Toy Is Holding A Frisbee.

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that is nice, i walk a lot too nowadays, 20k steps in fact (my phone tells me) when i am doing my cleaning job that is.

it just does not feel the same as jogging though, but i am slowly adapting to the idea of no jogging.

yea regular walking is good, @ATARI! I am happy for ya.

i guess even ‘moderate’ exercise such as walking is splendid in it’s own way. and the body is grateful for it as you say

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@ATARI have you ever done jogging before, did you like it?

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Hmm. . .

I Jog Occasionally When I Have To Cross Heavy Traffic.

It’s Slightly Strange Since I Don’t Like People Looking At Me Because It’s Annoying.

Since All The Windows Are Tinted. And I Can’t Look At Them. And Say To Myself, ‘Don’t Judge’.

yea I feel the same way about what I eat.

I am a vegan now and it feels like I am creating an inner harmony in my body :joy:

it just happens to be giving me a ‘glow’ currently, it is a correlation thing and connection thing i suppose

I like good food…,

probably because my body is so messed up that it is craving for it

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sorry to hear that…,

Hmm. . .

No It’s Cool, Eyeballs Are Kinda Supportive Like ‘The Residents’ Who Sing Looks In Sight.

‘Katy Perry’ Mentions That Wisdom On An Album Cover Inspired By Her Adventures With Them.

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what kind of exercise do you do, @POET ? do you enjoy it?

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Lol idk maybe it’s because your eating more vegetables now too? So it’s like junk and stuff out plus a lot more vegetables so you get a lot of vitamins. That usually makes me feel great.

When we do what’s natural I feel like we’re happier

Heathy food and water; working with our hands; learning; contemplating

I think makes for a happy healthy person and bring that inner harmony

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Hmm. . .

Yea Contemplating Is Important.

Isn’t It Fascinating That The Word Alone Is Like Someone Trying To Erase A Brick With A Pencil?.

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I usually do 4 things mostly although maybe I should add more haha


I like the idea of having nothing so I don’t like using equipment so yea usually just those 4 things

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