I think I’ve figured out my social issue. Its im SZA and I’m the misfit… from UD:
(Basically, an individual. In the school social classes of today, a misfit doesn’t fit into any one quite right, not even the outcasts, but may have qualities of each one. True misfits usually do not believe they are emo or goth, and they are usually introverts. Misfits tend to follow their own beliefs, and are usually persecuted for it. Misfits tend to be hated for no reason, have few good friends, and are usually intelligent and mature, and sometimes sort of insane and depressed. Misfits tend not to care about their bad social lives, but some do.)
So to even start its hard for me to relate because i just do what i like. Not that im anti conformist or anything, i bet conformity would be much easier and fit in more which has a lot of benefits. And on top its hard for me to guage social interactions and theres a lot of paranoia in them because of the SZA. Combined its really hard though. Even without the SZA it woild be hard for me to relate with anyone because I can’t. I was born different. Im societies schizoaffective misfit. And it kinda saddens me because I wish I could relate to people more.
I’m a misfit exactly how you described. I’m so far from a conformist that I must be a non conformist. Most people thought as nonconformists are conformists. Misfits tend to be the true non conformists because well I’m not sure why but that’s how it is. You seem to make a lot of threads about what’s wrong with you…try not to worry so much. Let go. Just live. I know you’re young and it might take revelations on your own but you should try to see past it all and just do ya thing. Not saying I dislike your threads just trying to help you think and worry less.
Yea I mean I don’t try to be different. I just do what I like what makes me feel good. What seems natural to me. It just happens to be way left field of other people. If someone likes something different then thats cool. Do whats comfortable for you, what you enjoy, what happily kills your time. But some people take it too extreme. Take musical taste for example. I believe you don’t choose the music you like it chooses you. And for some reason if its different people are like your some sort of leper. And its just music people. People take there beliefs too much to heart sometime. Its like they get offended or turned off if you have different interests. People don’t seem to get that they can change as a person in a day.