So tired of asking for money from people.?

my income is so low a old person ask me in the soup line how do you do it. fact is I can’t all of my check gos for housing and elc,gas andwater , not a drop left for food meds truck ins and the list gos on. i’m dieing here I make 730 and can get a grip on things, so i’m asking people for money right and left. and work odd jobs to get the rest or most, with a messtup back, sale things when I can, I don’t wish to move, I don’t do well in apartments, noise. and I lived here sometime now . churchs are tired of me asking. please god rase my income.

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Hey,…Don’t look at me… I didn’t win the lottery yet either.


We need to form a band of thieves and take what we wish.

This isn’t wrong in the least because we don’t get what we deserve at all.

Down with king john.

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Sounds like you need to reduce your expenses in the short term. Have you tried signing up with temp firms as a day labourer? That’s a good way to earn cash in larger centres. They can also match you up with jobs that avoid limitations, like your back.

Feeling your pain here this month. Had a couple of gigs cancel on me and leave me high and dry for property taxes. Been scrambling to find that $$$ before the deadline. Sucks, man.


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And what is it that you deserve?


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Im not having this conversation, not a great question there pixel.

Seriously, what is it that you deserve that justifies stealing from others? You constantly complain about how others inflict misery on you, yet feel it is okay to visit the same on others? Strange morality you have going there.



Just nope.

Healthy conversations are scary, huh?


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I am ok at the moment here in the UK as I get DLA but will see a massive drop in money If I don’t get the replacement -PIP. It’s been introduced with the deliberate intention of reducing successful disability claims by upwards of 20%.
.Main expenditure is on food. I know they say cooking your own is healthier but for the meat and other ingredients you pay a good price. I can afford it now but usually don’t due to poor motivation, with a massive drop in income it would be much more difficult. Reducing grocery spending to £5-5.50 a day still wouldn’t leave much money after other expenses.
I know they say vegetarian is cheaper but I am not into beans/lentils and other pulses.
I think in the current climate ,when the disabled and poor are being blamed and punished for the greed and incompetence of the financiers, it’s a particularly worrying time. Use of food banks has risen dramatically and even they are putting a temporary plaster on a large, gaping wound .
One thing I miss with the closing of the drop in is the cheap meal including a dessert you could get. Would come in handy in financially difficult times.

Can you get section 8 housing? It`s a little trouble, but would cut your rent in half. Actually, more than that.

Yeah, there is an unequal division of money . . .

I’m tired of people asking me for money. The reason I don’t have a pet is because I can’t afford one. One reason Amanda asks me for money is because she has a house full of cats, and they are expensive. Dude!