Life is hard...weary

The stress of living from check to check is frustrating…losing loved ones and having loved ones be sick is awful…my wife’s sisters are always having to have surgeries, one of her sisters is a cancer survivor and has problems because she almost died years ago…just tired of being so down in poverty really.


your not alone I am dealing with poverty as well It will get better just take a F’n Long time … So Pray / meditate and it will get better @jukebox . My prayer are for you and your family , and everyone affiliated in this forum :slight_smile:


Life can be tiring, but all of the other options appear to be worse.


Do you have a house payment? That’s probably what’s eating up a lot of your check.

Why not just move to a more urban area and get on section 8? Or rent a cheap 1 bedroom apartment?

Just giving you tips. Things most likely aren’t going to get easier for people on benefits.

Where do you buy groceries? Can you get food stamps? Do you shop at thrift stores?

Try and think of ways to cut cost.

Btw, if you have a roof over your head and food you’re not living in “poverty.”

Poverty is when you’re living under a bridge with no idea how you’re going to get your next meal.


Living in a back alley and not having access to a toilet when ya gotta poop is also hard on the soul.


Oh my dear friend!

I have witnessed such poverty while working security in a big city.

I witnessed a homeless man literally roll over in a pile of ■■■■ after we told him he couldn’t sleep in the bushes.

It was literally no one’s fault. (Other than whoever laid the dook in the bushes).

I sometimes swear that’s why I got the schiz. :sweat_smile:


Lol. I lived in one of my ex brother in laws houses under construction for awhile when I was in psychosis. It had no toilet. I used to occasionally go into a nearby wooded area to do #2. One day the police came by to ask me if I was doing my business in the woods. lol. I didnt deny it. They just said not to do it anymore.

When I was “homeless” on my trek to the east coast, I just used business’s toilets on the way for #2 , I think. Can’t remember. I dont remember ever doing #2 outside on that trip.


Haha, I remember them saying something like, “you can’t deny it, we have evidence”. lol


I thought we agreed to keep that info private.



Me too. I live on 245 dollars a month plus food stamps. I live in one of those rent to own sheds, no running water, no bathroom, no kitchen. Isolation. And some other thing bothering me which thanks to probable delusional thoughts that tell me if I talk about it it will make it worse, i can’t even share with anyone. I’m tired of it. Life only gets harder the older i get.


When I feel down and tired I try to focus on the positives. It could be worse. But I feel you totally.


When I was living rough, I’d look for construction sites to use their Porta-Potty. Some nice folks would lock theirs though. Like there was anything to steal or break.


I disagree. I think the OP should go ahead and try to get whatever help that is available for whatever are the things they need. Hang in there!

I’m sorry you have to deal with poverty. I hope the cola helps to ease the pain. Here there are plenty of programs for people with low income. I try to look for them and save money. Good luck with finding ways to save!

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Well that’s basically the same thing I was saying. Especially in regards to moving into an apartment.

I’ve seen a few people use that term. What does OP stand for?

Original poster. The one that starts a thread.

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Life is hard.

It’s how you respond to it that matters.


Poverty is such a hard traumatic thing and effects you for a long time even if you get out of it even if you handle it the bwst way you possibly can. Are you on benefits? I am on food stamps and disability and some.months barely get by but i stay humble knowing it could get so much worse, and has been worse in the past.

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I do pretty well on what I get for the government, mainly because I just have myself to look after. I hope your paintings do well at the show. It’s something to look forward to. It helps to have things like that in your life.

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