So, the US government tracks how much Sudafed you buy

I went to Walgreens today and they scanned my ID and told me the govt tracks how much Sudafed a person buys.

I guess it’s one way to control the meth problem.


They’ve been doing that for quite a while now. It’s a little creepy.

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Big Brother is watching…


Yeah I had a pharmacist give me a dirty look when I was buying cough medicine. It was when I lived in Phoenix but I thought it was a creepy place anyway. Between smoking a pack a day and the phoenix pollution I developed a cough.

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We’ve been doing it for years. Now it’s covered certain painkillers as well that used to be over the counter. I think it’s just a sign of the times which is a shame. Here you have to provide a state id and they monitor what you buy.

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I don’t bother with Sudafed, it makes me feel worse than the illness I’m trying to recover from.

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Our go to is Alka Seltzer Plus whichever formula pills fit your needs. It works better than sudaphed we find, even our pediatrician says so for the teens, we’re finally over our virus, the whole family. Now the younger two are taking benadryl at night cause of winter allergies, but still way better than the viral ■■■■ we had.

And they don’t track it, no ID needed for Alka Seltzer plus. So when we go buy 5 boxes of economy size at a time, no funny looks. Course, the whole family is usually together cause everyone is picking their formula.

So that’s my suggestion for cold and/or flu is that brand. Walmart gas their version, I like name brand a little better. Seems to last longer between doses, but do what you can afford. The night time ones are good too, not like Nyquil on your ass asleep, but restful sleep.

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I Hate to Be That Guy But!.,

I Found it Interesting That During My Cold Over The Winter Was The First One I’ve Had in Over Ten Years…,

Don’t Get Me Wrong, I’ve Had My Personal Scares…,

All Thanx to Webmd That Says Everything is Cancer…,

And After I Finally Got to The Doctor Convinced It Was All Soon Going to Be Over, The Doctor Ended Up Almost Yelling at Me Saying That I Have Nothing to Worry About…,

I Laugh About it Now But it Was Still a Wake Up Call…,

Life is Short, And if You’re Not Careful,

It Will Get Stolen…,

Very Quietly, Very Quickly,

With No Going Back… . …

(thus ends the broadcast of the be optimistically cautious warning)

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The Alexa in your bathroom is recording your bowel sounds between playing news and songs.

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A Squirrel Would Never Say That…,

Jus Sayin… . …

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That reply has made my day sir!

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