So I have abnormal cells on my cervix

It runs in my family too.

Tomorrow they will do a microscopic exam on my cervix.

And tell me the severity.

If it is moderare or severe they will remove it somehow.

Hope it’s not a surgery but might be I have no clue.



It good you are getting it checked with doc.
Don’t google it.

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I already googled it. My risk of cancer is now gone up :sweat_smile:

Abnormal cells are not that bad sometimes. I’ve had a few paps that came back with abnormal cells. Turned out to be nothing.

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Yea the letter said it is quite common.

But still important to get it checked out for severity. Just in case it is severe.

Thanks for the reassurance thou that it is not always bad


Oh yeah, always check it out. Just don’t put yourself into too much worry.


It’s usually nothing to worry about. According to Dr Google, we all have cancer lol! But seriously, don’t worry unless they tell you it’s bad, because it’s usually not bad.


Well if they have to remove my womb or such at least I would never need to worry about contraception if I ever have sex.

Trying to look at the positive side.

Thankyou ZmaGal for the reassurance that it’s usually Ok

And lol that Google says we all have cancer. :grin:

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My mum has had her womb and ovaries removed cos of cancer. Idk one or the other or both.

I had everything removed: cervix, uterus, ovaries and Fallopian tubes. I’m fine. Just took estrogen for 8 years after having it all removed, but that’s not necessary


I’m glad to hear it

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I hope everything will be fine for you.

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I’m glad u two both had nothing dodgy there.



That’s good news.

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Thanks @everhopeful I’m slightly nervous. But we shall see.
Would be mad if I have actually got cancer at 33.


good luck for the results :two_hearts::pray::two_hearts:

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Thankyou Three I appreciate it

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my sister had it she had a minor op. bad enough but nothing serious she’s fine many years later

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Oh that’s good she recovered. Very lucky. :relieved:

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Hope you end up ok. It’s probably a little scary, but hopefully it’s nothing :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks Crazydiamond.

Im just glad I get answers tomorrow.

They may be able to tell me there and then.