Not by choice, i have a lot going on medically, and mentally. Firsrt of all, After 9 or 10 yrs of not getting do a few other tests, my period, wich makes me considered post menopausal, i got my period, so the alf i live at sent me to the hospital. They found a cysy, but said that was not causing the bleeding, and i needed an OBGYN asap. So finally i got an appointment for one. I saw her the other day, and they now have me scheduled for a scraping and a biopsy. The first thing she said to me is that it could be cancer. She is going to check my hormone levels, and I felt like she was talking to someone else as soon as she mentioned the word cancer. She also said it could be pre-cancerous growth. Everthing she said seemed like it was so far away, thank god my boy friend was there to re-peat what she said. I am 44 yrs old, and have not had my period since i was 34 or 35, and she wanted to know why i have not been to a doctor about it. I had no answer, i just chose to ignore it. Well I go on the 20th for the scraping and the biopsy and it takes 5 days to get the results. Please, please say a prayer for me.
Mentally it has taken its toll on me, i am not sleeping so they added something to help me sleep and i n the last 2 nights i have slept, but voices are torturing me, telling me i am getting what i deserve. They are so cruel. They put me back on risperdal, and eventually i will be on the injection instead of the haldol dec. I guess this is my fault, this is what happens when you neglect yourself. Right now i have read everything i can on the internet, mostly web md, and it said the main symptom of cervical cancer is post menopausal bleeding is cervical cancer. there are other symptoms that i have, but a lot of my symtoms i had fromthe meds, like increased thirst, frequent urination, ect.
I feel like i am talking about someone else, that this cannot be me. Right now i feel like i am safe because i have not gotten the diagnosis of cancer yet, but i feel like it is coming and i need to mentally prepare myself. How can such a little word have such a big impact on my life? Really, even though they do the biopsy on the 20th, they get the results on the 25th, and that falls on a friday, so i will not know till the following monday, the 27th.
Sorry kit. That sounds awful. You’ll be in my thoughts.
I am sorry you are in this scary wait to find out. My niece is in the same boat right now…she finds out monday. I will be praying for you.
Sending a prayer to you and hope for the best for you.
I think the waiting for the results are far worse than the treatment is for the cancer itself.
Hopefully it isn’t cancer, but if they do find something, more than likely it is treatable, and you will live.
Keep reading articles on the internet on cancer, especially about cancer survivors who tell their own stories, you’ll see cancer can be beat.
Sending Prayers your way Kitty - stay strong!
Cysts don’t always become cancerous. Once removed your body can start to function better. That may mean the return of your cycle which you may not like… Try not to over-stress about it. hugs
Meds can stop your period.
Then when I switched to seroquel they suddenly started again.
My Mom had lots of cysts with no problem.
Just try to relax, it was irresponsible of them to mention a diagnosis without facts!
Reading too much web md can give you the med student problem of reading and thinking too much.’_disease