I hope you will get help and comfort.
Although I am not a member of any religion I still believe in god in my own way and will pray for you.
Maybe talk calmly to yourself and take extra care and also accept help from others.
I had ovarian cancer and had my ovaries and Tubes removed .
When my stomach had four litres of fluid build ups I would lay in the warm bathtub which felt soothing.
I do t have a bath tub where I live now .
Maybe a hot water bottle.
I am thankful for all the treatment and kindness and help I received.
My family overseas did not come to me but my family in the same country gave me a buket of flowers.
And visits at hospital.
I was shouted cafe barista made coffee too.
Thankful for those who visited.
I’m upset we do not have better contact but I may vent my sh## on them when they have enough on their plate.
Try to value the little bit great things such as in hospital I got a cheesecake to eat that was magnificent .
I was on liquid food for a while but that cheese cake was thoroughly enjoyed and brightened up my stay.
When there was pain I tried taking it hour by hour to get through it.
I understand this can be very scary.
I was not on medication when I was in hospital with cancer.
I had been good without anti psychotic medication for a few years.
A few years after cancer I was hospitalised and put on olanzapine.