I likely have cancer

I found out that I most likely have cervical cancer. I’ve been having abnormal paps for a year and a half, but a biopsy didn’t show anything. I’ve now started to have symptoms. They think something has been happening further up my uterus, where they didn’t biopsy. I have surgery next Friday to see what’s going on, but it doesn’t look good. Usually with cervical cancer by the time you start having symptoms the cancer has already spread.

I’m really scared. I don’t want to die.


Oh wow. I’m so sorry. I’m wishing the best for you.


I am sorry to here that my mom is in hospice for cancer. I hope everything works out for you.

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Try to keep calm until you know the results. Fingers crossed it’ll be ok.


I’m so sorry. I’m praying for you if that’s ok. You’re on my heart.

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Hope that you can pull through this!

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I hope the test results come back all clear, but even if they don’t, I hope you will be okay. I’m sorry you have to struggle through this. It must be scary.


@anon1517417 I’m sorry this is happening to you. I hope everything turns out OK. Do you have family there to support you and go with you to doctors appointments?


Yes, I have someone to go with me some of the time. Other than that, I am mostly alone. Thank you for your kind words.

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I’m so sorry. How awful. I hope you can find someone to go with you the rest of the time. That must be so scary.

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I hope you will get help and comfort.

Although I am not a member of any religion I still believe in god in my own way and will pray for you.

Maybe talk calmly to yourself and take extra care and also accept help from others.

I had ovarian cancer and had my ovaries and Tubes removed .

When my stomach had four litres of fluid build ups I would lay in the warm bathtub which felt soothing.

I do t have a bath tub where I live now .

Maybe a hot water bottle.

I am thankful for all the treatment and kindness and help I received.

My family overseas did not come to me but my family in the same country gave me a buket of flowers.
And visits at hospital.

I was shouted cafe barista made coffee too.

Thankful for those who visited.

I’m upset we do not have better contact but I may vent my sh## on them when they have enough on their plate.

Try to value the little bit great things such as in hospital I got a cheesecake to eat that was magnificent .

I was on liquid food for a while but that cheese cake was thoroughly enjoyed and brightened up my stay.

When there was pain I tried taking it hour by hour to get through it.

I understand this can be very scary.

I was not on medication when I was in hospital with cancer.

I had been good without anti psychotic medication for a few years.

A few years after cancer I was hospitalised and put on olanzapine.

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I’m so sorry. Cancer sucks, but there are newer and better treatments every day. It’s not the death sentence it used to be.

I survived a brain tumor as a child, and let me tell you, believing you’ll survive is like half the battle. The mind is powerful, and if you believe you can get better, it’s more likely to happen.


@anon1517417 I am so sorry you have symptoms. I hope they find out something soon so you won’t worry so much…you are dear to me.

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Thank you. This gives me hope.


Sending you many good thoughts. I hope you can put your mind at ease until the results are in.



A good friend of mine is in complete remission from cervical cancer. It was admittedly scary, but she pulled through. Don’t lose hope.

Sending (((hugs)))



There are many great treatments for cancer now that were unheard of only a few years ago that are giving many cancer patients lots of hope. Don’t give up. There’s lots of hope. And, I will put you on my prayer list for sure.


My mom is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed in 1992 and is cancer free to this day. You can do this.


I’m sorry @anon1517417 but don’t give up.


Hugs Lola. I just said a prayer for you.