So, I caught a PBS show @ 2:00 a.m

This morning about people with MI (mainly schizophrenics) and the criminal justice system in S. Florida.

Basically, they take MI people in the criminal justice system and provide support for them (meds, emotional support) and the recidivism rate for people in the program is like 25% compared to 85% of the general population.

I think they said it is the only program like it in the states.

It costs $10,000 per person per year to keep the program running, but $35,000 a year to incarcerate.

Before Laquan mc Donald there Was ZERO training in the police academy for how to deal with mentally ill people in Chicago, IL where I live. Im sure little has changed.

■■■■■■■ pathetic.


Sounds like a rad documentary.

I watched something on YT about a similar program, but I don’t think it was in Florida.

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