was talking to a friend a bit ago, and I cant find it on yahoo or google, but apparently a man in Australia researched and then FAKED having SZ to get out of a life sentence, and is now free, it was only discovered AFTER he was released that he had researched the symptoms.
Anyone else heard of this case or another? Not sure how long ago this was my friend says at least a year ago.
Terrible abuse of the system. All cases like this do is make it more difficult to get proper care for people who really suffer from it.
Damn â â â â that dude. Even though i am schizoa id still probably get sent to prison if i did some crazy â â â â . â â â â â â â America. I think the stastistic is about half of mentally ill people who commit a crime get sent to prison instead of treatment centers. Thats why, as much as i want to, donât take a hammer and vandalize property.
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I also fight urges to commit various crimes mostly mischievous things i would find funny but the police def wouldnt.
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according to my friend the article said the guy was faking, was talking to him over Facebook, and he found another article on it. The guy was captured and sent back to prison after admitting he faked mental illness.
As for your stats on how many of us go to jail instead of treatment? yeah its close to that, but no one has one an actual study on it. Thatâs just an estimate by mental health advocates.
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The police would probably gun me down if they saw me breaking stuff with a hammerâŚo wait im caucasian nevermind. The worst theyâd do would taze me. Cops never shoot white people unless that white person is shooting other white people. Dont u love our justice system.
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in my town, the police barely even respond to reports of african americans comiting crimes because they ae afraid of being sued for discrimination. Its REVERSE discrimination now.
There definitely is racial profiling going on. But anyone can be racist i dont agree that only white people can be racist.
black people can be just as racist as any white person. my biggest pet peeve with the whole racism thing is âNâ is a bad word to call a black person, but they call each other that all the time, and also if its not okay to have a slang term for black people how is "Honkeyâ or âKrackerâ okay to use on white people? Someone spray painted that on the college walls once, and they got suspended for graffiti, a person pray painted âNâ, just the letter mind you, and got expelled for racist graffitiâŚ
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O true that makes sense. Im also not trying to say all officers are bad, many want to actually help keep stability in society and i would never want to be a cop. But we do have a serious institutional problem that needs fixing. Especially the armored cars. Police dont need armored tanks thats on a whole new level. But i did make myself crack up a bit with that last statement. But still back on topic. I find it wrong that someone would fake an illness just to get out of prison. He doesnât get that right and im glad hes back in jail for whatever he did. What did he do? I guess nothing short of rape or murder if he got life sentence?
I have no idea, but I do know that in Australia its a life sentence for selling drugs over a certain amount, well it was law last time I checked.
Mastet pixel is right. We have alot of meth around here and the cops crack down hard on it so the racial issue isnt very big here.
O yea drugs thats right. Im so used to not even caring about drug laws that it phases me sometimes. Bring on the drinks and legal weed. Im just waiting until they make mushrooms and acid legal but thatâll never happen. But i can fantasize. I can fantasize
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I heard about a man eating peanut butter from his shorts to decline the Vietnam draft. Whoâs crazy in such i ask?
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lol He must have really wanted to stay away from the war.
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Sounds like a sane reaction to the pitting of poor people to murder each other in my book bro
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Pitting of poor people as agents to kill each other by the dark side.
Remember Revenge Of The Sith where they formed âThe First Galactic Empireâ and Padmae says âSo this is how democracy diesâŚwith glorious applauseâ, yeah I think thatâs referencing the United States policies regarding the Vietnam war.
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i think its been more than Vietnam but you may be right
Well I think Vietnam is where it started. I just wasnât sure how to word it that it started with that and carries to today. The New World Order speech comes to mind regarding similarities with the First Empire speech in Star Wars only because of the fact people saw that as an Illuminati plot revealing. I never actually heard the whole speech by President Bush Sr. save for maybe once on youtube.
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