Snow day in the South

I got sent home early from work today due to the weather. We are just getting a little snow. It’s not much

Tomorrow I am not going to go in and Thursday I have to take the day off because I am getting a new living room set delivered for the Mrs. I am also having a new windshield installed in my wife’s truck.

So I guess I am off until Friday. Get to stay home and keep the dog and the puppy occupied.


We got maybe 2…3 inches… the roads are turning icy… dam snow wouldnt stick together couldnt make a snowman…

It’s supposed to snow here tonight. I think it’s up to 3". My kids are hoping school will close, but I doubt it. I hope it won’t cause any problems on the roads because my youngest daughter is having eye surgery at 7:15 am, so we have to be across town. Out near the Wendy’s it is all ice on the road. One of the turns into my subdivision is icy too. Dangerous stuff! Nice if you have the day off though.

It’s been unseasonably warm here. I’m loving it. No snow in the next two weeks forecast either.

Yup same we don’t usually get snow but third time with in the last 2 months. Funny thing is that by Saturday it’ll be back in the 70s


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