The south to get snow

Should be here in a couple hours…thanks canananadaland its been hoodie weather lately …not today I stepped outside in shorts when I woke up and reverse peed…maybe we will get enough the little one can sled…or at least learn how fun it is to jump on a trampoline covered in snow…


I live in Alabama and I think it is supposed to do nothing tomorrow here. I wish it would snow.

ooops sorry had my fan pointing South


I like the snow season because I can write poems about snow angels without people thinking I’m being religious.

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I call them snow Valkyries and often add a spear into one of the hands…iva also made snowmen with a snowball for elbows and hands adding twigs for long fingers…so I can pose them to look creepier…I love the snow…


It is just raining here. We hardly ever get any snow.

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We got snow…and more is coming…the roads were icy earlier…we are further north than bama amd also at a higher elevation…though…

It is currently sleeting at my Nanny’s house. She lives more north than where I live.

Mid state? I live close to the bama tn border I’m pretty sure notherm bama is getting snow too…sorry if this is deemed nosy just making small talk about the weather…

Not nosy at all! We live in the Meridian Mississippi area.

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Ah your in one of those spots like here the weather likes to go around y’all…

Yes. It is good when we get thunderstorms, but not so much for snow. I love the snow!

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I love lightning…not so much the rain though…

I came home from work one night at about 2 in the morning, it was snowing those big white snow flakes and lightning as well, only seen that once in my life, was kinda cool and scary at the same time.

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I used to be scared of the lightning. I would think it automatically produced a tornado

Sounds terribly beautiful…Thor has poor aim…except that one time his lightning bit my ass through the door frame…

that feeling when you like the lightning more than the rain…

that’s when you know you’re a man :wink: :dark_sunglasses:

with all our technology, you’d think we didn’t need to rely on the rain for things. ;/

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It’s raining right now in Central Florida, and we need it (hasn’t rained in 3 months). Sunday’s high is supposed to be 53 F, which is very cold for us, so everyone will be wearing their LL Bean parka.

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It’s snowing where I’m at in virginia. First time this year! Well thats supposed to amount to anything. Went outside to smoke a cigarette and a snow plow passed. I wished I was in there with him haha. That would be fun

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