Slow thinking and cloudy mind under antipsychotics

So I noticed that when taking antipsychotics I can’t really think fast enough or get ideas or solutions to everyday stuff, There was this time that I ran out of pills and what I got was this mental clarity and a lot of idead about my life, like my problems showed up again, also I could talk faster and get thoughts and ideas faster than before, right now taking these pills I notice I can’t talk 100% fluid like I should and that obvviously bothers me, I want to be able to think and talk faster.

I also got very stressed at thinking about unpleasant stuff like fights I had or conflicts with people, that was the bad part.

So it seems this pills make me forget about my problems but I think they do their job too well because I don’t do anything productive all day and I don’t even care. They also make me lazy and dumb.

What can I do to get better about this, ask my PD about switching pills? maybe taking lower dose? right now I take Invega 3mg once a day.

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one way to deal with what you described is to reduce the dose to the lowest effective dose. i’m interested in trying this myself with abilify, too high of a dose and my brain is completely addled by the medication. this is less of an issue on clozapine and seroquel because they only block dopamine for a short time, the rest of the time you are pretty much normal.

unfortunately for me i tend to very predicatably become psychotic with a reduction of the dose of medication. i can feel more and think better, i just have intrusive thoughts all the time. i would like to see what im like on a lower dose of abilify, like 20mg or so (am currently on 30mg), hopefully i am more functional and emotionally present.

when i reduced my seroquel a couple of months ago i felt a dramatic return of my intelligence and cognition. i think my doctor has a habit of overmedicating his sz patients, he is really a mood disorder specialist. so he had me on 800mg seroquel xr with 2mg rexulti in the morning. i cut the seroquel down to 600 then 400 and felt my motivation and cognition surging. after that i went back to school and started running again, and was earning good grades.

wow! That’s great. That makes me want to reduce my aps too. Maybe after I get through the winter I could ask to go down a little and see if some of my motivation comes back. I would love to go back to work soon if at all possible.

this is how I feel about myself on meds. It’s not helping my self esteem at all. I used to be so smart (I thought)

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