Slipping into relapse?

Seeing signs of insomnia. Terrible voices.

This might sound odd but the only change I made was cutting out coffee. So perhaps withdrawals from that. My body realizing it has to power the brain by itself. Moving into my own place this weekend. No alcohol for a while to see if this’ll pass.

Symptoms have been pretty rough since I went to the bars on my own and that was a couple days ago. Without friends to ground me well the precursor scenario to my illness kind of came back. Except this time I didn’t give a ■■■■.

Sounds like a lot’s happening. Coffee, Insomnia, Alcohol, Bars alone, Moving. No wonder your symptoms are ramping up. That’s natural.

Yeah. Gotta be careful and do what I can. No more alcohol. The symptoms. Even the telepathy delusion doesn’t bother me so much any more. I’ve learned to not respond to it.

Hope that you get back on track soon @SoitGoes - Yeah lots of changes can set us back a little.
This should pass soon - best of luck to you

Thanks wave. The times have just been a little exciting.

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@SoitGoes, I 've told you, you must take a new medicine other than the one you take in a higher dose. That’s the only way to feel good, even if you don’t believe it, I didn’t believe it, but Haloperidol made me feel good.

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I’m being tortured and there’s nothing I can do. Nice. You try studying while being tortured.

Any kind of withdrawal can cause symptoms. I hope you make it through and the episode isn’t so bad. Social interaction helps ground me as well and I haven’t had much either.

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doesn’t mean you will relapse if you keep taking your tablets

While it doesn’t work for everyone, nor does it always work “perfectly,” the odds are good that reducing stress causing “fight, flight, freak, freeze and/or fry” and taking one’s meds as prescribed will chill one out in a few days tops. (Only having seen this work, uh, maybe 200 times?)

I hope your feeling better by the time you read this.

I’m glad your staying away from alcohol and coffee… I’m just on the outside looking in, but it does seem you have a rough time after drinking.

Your moving out already? Wow that is pretty fast.

I hope you like your new place.

Good luck and keep an eye on the symptoms… I do hope you were just having a glitch … Also… your stronger now and have been developing coping tool to get through the fog. If you do hit some turbulence… it’s only for a little bit and then you’ll even out again.

I hope things get level and you feel better soon.

Yeah. Man last night turned out great. Woke up though really psychotic. Had a dream where I cut all the fingers on my right hand. Was trying to find a doctor to put them back on. She wrapped them in plastic in one of those styro-foam plates. Threw it in a cooler.

Freaked me out pretty good.

that does sound like a horrid dream. Glad it was only a dream.

So are you in your new place already?

Will be tomorrow.

I hope your move goes well…

I could imagine today and tomorrow being a bit rough for you… it’s going to be a bit stressful and that could also amp up the symptoms. It’s quite a change living with someone to living on your own.

good luck with the move.

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Thanks man these voices just drive me crazy.